Bring me the head of Adam Croot

15 years ago (

Poor guy. This, however, is absolutely comical from an outside perspective. I can only imagine some marketing rep fuming at this Adam "hacker" who has so maliciously stolen their links that their newly hired developer created specifically for a very valuable client...

  • There seem to be laughs all around. "Lolz" from @undefined at the emails he's getting, some amusement I detected in this blog post, and pained laughs from hackers at the incompetence of twitter and that they continue to be extremely popular in spite of it.

This reminds me of an excellent story of a college student who got a verizon vtext account and chose the address

As you might imagine, he ended up getting a lot of debugging messages sent to his phone. It definitely underscores the importance of having proper error checking and debugging facilities set up.

You can read the full story here

  • I would have changed my name. It's funny to be a producer trying to reach many and have a flaw benefit you, it's not being a consumer and stuck with a lot of noise.

Didn't something similiar happen to one developer of open source webservers (lighttpd maybe). I remember reading a story about someone accusing them of hacking.

How the fsck is this Adam Croot's fault? Twitter can't clamp down on all accounts that used reserved words from every programming language. It's the third party services that are in the wrong by requesting stuff they know is not required.

  • Is the error in the 3rd parties' code, or in Twitter's @Anywhere API that the 3rd parties are calling? The article isn't clear, though it sounds like the 3rd parties are calling the API with bad data, and the API isn't checking its inputs. If so, then both the 3rd parties and the Twitter API are at fault.