Comment by lmm
7 years ago
> I used git in the terminal and the diffs/patches/merges/pull requests don't turn out right
Your answer there is just doing git pull --rebase by hand. I don't like that style at all, but if you must do it surely use the command that's designed for doing it.
> I pushed stupid things onto the remote server
Worth saying you can branch before fixing - that might be a little less intimidating than "access by commit ID"
> I already made my changes in multiple commits, but the repo owner wants me to rebase it to a single commit
Disagree with "you should do it", though that's probably a political question.
Thanks for the review! I actually wrote that years ago (in frustration). Will give it a revision when I have time.
I think I would rebase my PR comment history away only if "the repo owner wants me to rebase it to a single commit". In that case, I'm just doing whatever the repo wants the repo to be structured.