Comment by welly
7 years ago
If you're on a mac, I can't recommend Tower enough. It's a paid app but well worth the money. Otherwise Git Kraken is a foss offering that is also excellent.
7 years ago
If you're on a mac, I can't recommend Tower enough. It's a paid app but well worth the money. Otherwise Git Kraken is a foss offering that is also excellent.
Git Kraken isn't FOSS. The site says "Free for non-commercial use", and AFAIK the source isn't available anywhere.
I think maybe the term you're looking for is "freeware"?
Ah, you're quite right. I was under the impression it was FOSS - I used it a while ago, preferred Tower and so went back to that.
I second your recommendation of Tower. About a year ago, I made a comment right here on HN singing Tower's praise names. [0]
It's impossible to sing those names loudly enough.
Apparently, there is now also a windows version.
Thanks, I had disregarded Tower until I saw your comment :)
I want to second that. Also the integration with diff tools like Kaleidoscope is a nice touch. (Even though Kaleidoscope feels like abandonware at this point)
Gitup is free and probably better.
Thanks for the tip, I'll have to check it out.
How is atlassian's Sourcetree?
I like it a lot, it make git as simple as mercurial. I don't think it is hiding complexity, but the visual arrangement makes sense. The staging area becomes actually useful, and I love that you can stage (or revert) pieces of a file, which is handy when you forgot to commit one thing before moving on to the next.
I've only had to merge a branch once, and here I was completely confused on what was going end. This may be SourceTree's fault or git's fault. Maybe my lack of understanding.
I hate git, I don't understand git, I don't want to have to understand git, and I think the command line interface makes every UI error in the book. But SourceTree has made me like git.
We have a bunch of projects that are stored in a mercurial repo so I've been using Sourcetree for that as I've found MacHG pretty unusable. I think it's pretty good, not as good in my opinion (the UI, mainly) as Tower for Mac which I use for Git, but makes Mercurial easy to use for this (somewhat) hardened Git user.
Incredibly slow. I was never annoyed so much when using a software...