Comment by Tomis02
7 years ago
Long story short, you're using git because it makes you feel smart. Ironically, you even admit it - "therefore have no logical reason to go through the pain of really learning git". Correct, there is no logical reason to deal with a contorted DVCS when there are better alternatives. Your arguments are fully subjective.
If you tell a blind person, he should use the color red more when dressing, it might be a good advise, but for the blind person there is no logical reason to choose red over green.
What I'm saying is that most people are blind when it comes to skill, because they never make it over the hurdle once. But because most people don't have any skill, it is general consensus in our society to declare skills based on interest rather than the ability to solve hard problems or win competitions. I mean if one person is unable to judge if another person is good at solving merge conflicts, how could he criticize that person declaring himself as Git Expert Of The Team. And then again of course most people feel it is inappropriate to tell other people they are unskilled, so posts like this one get hated a lot on. But actually it's just calling out the facts. Sky is blue, grass is green, most people are too unskilled to even recognize what would enhance skills.
Unless I'm mistaken, people are paid to solve engineering/programming problems, not fight with a mess of a DVCS. And if I can use a Mercurial GUI and do in 15 seconds what would take 5+ minutes in the git command line, what's the point of being the Git Expert Of The Team? Is version control not used for saving work progress? A simple thing that 99.99+% of developers should be taking for granted in an ideal world, just like when pressing Ctrl+S in your IDE (hopefully) saves the file without asking what encoding you want to use and what partition you want it written on.
You seem to be under the impression that doing hard things has some intrinsic value, when it's not the case. You could be rolling rocks uphill all day and be the best in the world at it. So what? A keyboard going clicketyclack* for 5 minutes while typing git commands (and possibly stackoverflow queries) is the opposite of work, it's actually a waste of time. Sure, at the end of the day you solved the problem git presented you; you're smart, and feel satisfied with you amazing display of intelligence and skill. However, this ignores the fact that you should not have had to solve that problem to begin with, because your version control system should just magically work (unless you get a bonus for each git commit/merge).
> how could he criticize that person declaring himself as Git Expert Of The Team
I have no problem with someone being a git expert - I actually will even admit that I am not a git expert and that there are people extremely skilled at git. The issue here is that there are some people really skilled at, for example, typing using the backs of their fingers. Potentially impressive, but entirely useless. Saying you're skilled at git is like saying you're skilled at using Jira or editing Wikipedia; good for you, but in all but most extreme cases this doesn't actually generate value and it also doesn't make you a better developer.
> one person is unable to judge if another person is good at solving merge conflicts
Just out of curiosity, is this somehow relevant to git? Shouldn't solving a merge conflict be a simple matter of looking at a diff tool presenting you two inputs and one output screen? Or better yet, wouldn't it be better if you were automatically told you are editing a file someone else is working on, so that it prevents conflicts from happening?
feel downvoted.