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Comment by jreybert

7 years ago

You may want to give a try to vimagit so. https://github.com/jreybert/vimagit/

As soon I started to work with git, I installed fugitive. My learning curve of fugitive has been slow, and I have never be able to stage efficiently with it.

And then, a colleague showed me magit: I waited for a year that something similar comes to vim, trying to push this idea to fugitive https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive/issues/569 , without success.

Finally, some first experiments showed that partial hunk stage was feasible, and I created vimagit.

As you will see, it is far from whole magit features. For the moment, it "only" focuses on stage/unstage and commit feature (which is the main use case to me). The current workflow is quite robust: you can easily navigate through all the diffs to review them, stage by file/hunk/line/part of line, write the commit message (or amend the last commit), jump to the diff locations in their files... I continue to use fugitive for Gblame and Gdiff.

Next major features should be git stash (be able to prepare a stash like a commit, by file/hunk/line) and some git log related feature (to easily git commit --fixup a chosen commit in a log for example).