Comment by OnACoffeeBreak
6 years ago
Is there a place to report issues?
In section 2.9.1 Quaternions, 4th paragraph reads as if it's missing an equation for the second representation of a quaternion:
A quaternion can be represented as a quadruple [EQ present] or as [EQ missing] , where is an imaginary 3-vector and is the real part. We will use both representations interchangeably in this section.
This is what it looks like for me:
Nice find!
In general, you can send errata/bugs to, but we got this one. :-)
It looks like an equation that MathJax wasn't happy with. I've got it fixed now and will include that fix in a push to the site in a little bit.
If you want to be listed as something other than "OnACoffeeBreak" in the errata credits, send me an email (
Thanks again!
There’s a typo in the second sentence on the landing page, a redundant “the”:
> where the an accurate modeling
Thanks! Also fixed and will also go live in a little bit.