Comment by illumin8
6 years ago
Good point. Maybe MacOS/iOS should have a feature where, just like going to a custom service that can launch an already installed app, such as zoomus://123456789, they can allow software vendors to register an install URL that users who don't have the app already installed will be directed to. Let the OS handle security, where it should be, and still make the first install user experience good.
Bad behavior for unknown protocols is not a MacOS specific problem. Instead of registering things with Apple, a link to the handler should be included in the protocol link and the OS should send the user there if a handler is not installed. Something like <a href="zoom://12345" handler="">
Your proposal is the closest thing to the best solution I have seen. It still has at least several issues:
* When Zoom is already installed:
- should be able to handle most instances
- needs to account for version management, eg installed version zoom could still be version that is too old to process the uri correctly. Version could be in the uri.
When Zoom is not installed:
- an information dialog needs to be somehow shown to the receiving user, asking them if they want to install 'Zoom'.
- that screen must include the 'uri' and validate certificates etc to prevent abuse (hence must necessarily be 'ugly' and not 'seamless')
- the language on that dialog has to be provided by the OS/Browser, not the software vendor, to prevent abuse. For similar reasons the Windows UAC dialog text can't be written by the vendor.
- the language employed by the OS/Browser has to of necessity be fairly neutral, neither encouraging nor discouraging installation, to prevent abuse. This is necessarily at odds with the UI principle of leading the inexperienced user through clear steps to achieve their intended goal.
- the user of average-to-lower-quartile experience, as of 2019, for a product with a client base of 40 million+, is likely not in a position to meaningfully distinguish a legitimate Zoom install uri from a malicious / imposter one. Hence any popular software using this install-from-uri-handler becomes an appealing target for malicious actors to mimic, which they will.
- some proportion of users will likely install from malicious links, and whichever product (let's say Zoom for example) is the most likely software for malicious actors to masquerade as will become the name associated with the attack in the mind of the wounded public
Those are some interesting points. I'm not convinced that versions should be in scope for this sort of thing though. If I'm writing a protocol handler, I think it's my responsibility to make sure my software can update itself, and make the default behavior that it should check for updates if it is given a URI it doesn't understand.
Secondly, version checks assume that the user wants to run this specific protocol handler. I as the user might prefer to run an open source non-official zoom client. I think the OS should only be trying to help me if I don't have any handler.
The UA could go to the handler site which would be a landing page.
They have the opposite starting with Catalina and iOS, Universal Links that lets an app register to take the first pass at handling URLs. Android always had this with their intent system.
Was available long before Catalina