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Comment by lloeki

6 years ago

I did this: 1. killed by process name, and zoom app will 2. fail to start its opener and 3. fail to reinstall it:

  killall ZoomOpener
  chmod -x .zoomus/ZoomOpener.app/Contents/MacOS/ZoomOpener
  sudo chown -R nobody:nobody .zoomus/ZoomOpener.app

Doing it that way results in a nuisance prompt from Zoom every time you launch it complaining that it can't launch the opener.

Here's a modified version that deletes the app, removes the LoginItem if it exists, and makes the ~/.zoomus directory unwritable, which achieves the same thing but avoids the nag:

    killall ZoomOpener
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to delete login item "ZoomOpener"'
    rm -rf ~/.zoomus/ZoomOpener.app
    sudo chown -R nobody:nobody .zoomus