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Comment by breakfastduck

5 years ago

They're given a very free pass because it's incredibly easy to block a native app from sending data back or even connecting to the internet at all.

You have a lot more control over something that's running locally than something running serverside that simply using the client to harvest data.

It's even easier to block a web app - just don't visit its web address.

A native app sits on your device, executing all kinds of code, sometimes without your knowledge. With PWAs, the code is more or less open source - all the JS is there for you to inspect - even after obfuscation, you can see the network requests being made in the dev tools of any browser.

  • I appreciate that and maybe didn't make my point as best as I could.

    My point was essentially that you can run a native app without internet access most of the time (and can easily block the app making calls out by switching the internet off or blocking the calls its making) but a web app you have absolutely no control over, you just have to not use it.

    • That's not true with PWAs. You can have PWAs that operate offline. The problem is that not enough web developers know how to build good offline-only PWAs. But trust me, they're coming!