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Comment by the-dude

4 years ago

To be fair : they explicity state their position ( they are indeed short ) at the end of the article.

They also disclose immediately after the summary at the start (bullet points).

Initial Disclosure: After extensive research, we have taken a short position in shares of Nikola Corp. This report represents our opinion, and we encourage every reader to do their own due diligence. Please see our full disclaimer at the bottom of the report.

This is within 5 minutes of reading so I don't know where you got the 'end of the article' from.

(I read the report this morning so they didn't added it after ward.)

  • > don't know where you got the 'end of the article' from

    They didn't say only at the end. Near the top, the article itself even says to look at the end: "Please see our full disclaimer at the bottom of the report."

It’s before a zillion background addendums, so not quite at the end think but it would be fairer to do so a lot earlier.

Reason? I think most readers would stop reading this (IMO) badly written and badly formatted avalanche of statements (which may or may not be true, but the form in which it is presented doesn’t give me confidence that it is) before hitting that info.