Comment by swyx
4 years ago
i dunno - here is the video in question: that really look like a hill to you?
4 years ago
i dunno - here is the video in question: that really look like a hill to you?
Read the article. It discusses how they tested with the same road, and were able to put an SUV in neutral and achieve a cruising speed of 53mph using that same road.
huh, TIL. guilty of scanning.
Yeah, that actually does look like a hill. It appears to me the road rises up to the ridge seen in the background.
Can anyone pinpoint the location? Then we could clear this up. Seems like relevant evidence on the whole scheme, if that's really the case.
The article authors did find the location and there is a 3% grade on the road:,-112.5008986,3a,75y,...
The article has the exact location.
No, it doesn't look like a hill. But it doesn't matter what it looks like. They found the exact road, and it has a 3% grade.
Honestly it does look like a hill for me, particularly in the shots where the road is angled down and to the left with the truck rolling left (the video starts with such a shot). I know that's partially an optical illusion and doesn't represent the true slope but I do think it looks like a hill.
You can make a vehicle roll "uphill" if you choose the spot carefully.