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Comment by SigmundA

4 years ago

I have been watching Nikola for years wondering why anyone believes its BS, I didn't realize the deception was this blatant and deep, I guess like many I didn't do real due diligence, but I didn't invest millions in the company either.

Very sad and disheartening to see it continue and get further investment, just make me think that telling the truth does't pay, selling lies does, fake it till you make it taken to the extreme, similar to Tharanos.

The over promise under deliver approach Musk uses annoy's me but there is something real there, real results, Nikloa is literally riding on a play of a name of another company. At least Musk recognizes the issues with Hydrogen and he obviously has a grasp of the technical issues:


It took me years and years to get a story that made sense about Corbin Motors and why they flamed out making the Sparrow and trying to bring out the Merlin.

It will probably surprise nobody here that the Pareto Principle applies to large scale manufacturing. Hand building a vehicle is 10% of the work, and the other 90% is a very different kind of work and skillset that is easy to drown in. A bunch of things you just figured out how to do well, you need to stop doing entirely because a machine or a vendor should be doing them for you. Along with all the people and equipment you acquired to do it.

You have to stomach writing off a bunch of equipment, swallowing your pride and taking advice from people who have no sweat equity in your company. And as a cherry on top, you probably get to be the asshole that has to fire John Henry, who has been here since before the machines.