Comment by WheelsAtLarge
4 years ago
I've known plenty of manager types that have a very little understanding of the technology involved with their product. A lot of times they try to parrot what their technical team is telling them. Some can be very good at it, other sound like idiots because they have little true understanding of the technology. But that's okay, since their true expertise is in putting together a company or organization that outputs a successful product. It requires being able to manage and inspire people to get the best from them. And countless other parts that I can't even imagine. It does not require a CEO to get too deep in the weeds of the technology. A CEO does not have to know everything, he just has to hire and manage the people that will do the parts he doesn't know. Technology has very little to do with that but expertise on how people work and function has everything to do with it.
BTW, they sound like idiots to the people that understand the technology but that's a small subset of all people. Most people have even less understanding than the CEO. So they get influence by his charm and finesse. What most people would call BS around here.
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