Comment by wgerard
4 years ago
I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding of what short sellers do (which is where most of the "fraud" accusation comes from). Some short sellers DO claim fraudulent behavior, e.g. Enron was famously predicted to be fraudulent by Jim Chanos.
However short selling at its core just involves the belief that a company is overvalued. In the case of extreme fraud, the "correct value" is $0. In most cases, the short seller just believes it's some amount less than the current share price (but above $0).
Tesla falls into the latter category. I'm sure some do claim fraudulent behavior, but Tesla is an interesting case because Tesla's PE is ~200 IIRC, compared to the 20 average for the automotive industry. For comparison, Amazon's PE is 120.
So if you think Tesla is ultimately a car company, or even just a "regular" tech company, it's not insane to think that it's incredibly overvalued. That doesn't mean you think it's a fraud, of course, but the subtlety obviously gets lost by many (and short sellers often make grandiose edicts that don't help their case).
> Tesla's PE is ~200 IIRC
TSLAs PE is 896 as of market close today (371.74/.4140) and had a PE of ~1213 at its ATH price of 502.49/share
Yikes, I haven’t kept up with it much clearly.
But yeah, there’s a valid non-malicious reason to believe Tesla is overvalued.
thank you for putting up this correction
There is literally no company on the planet that can justify a 896 PE
Let's see how long Tesla can keep things going with 1,000 PEs
They are projected (based on stock valuation) to take over all or most of
cars energy solar power
Which is quite an absurd assumption
Plenty of companies have justified negative P/E, which is worse than 896, and still worse than even 10,000. In fact, their share price kept going up all the way until their P/E was strongly positive.
Musk has said he thinks that Tesla's stock is overvalued, and the company has sold stock to raise funds.
Musk may hate them, but there's is little-to-no daylight between him and the short sellers at this point; both think Tesla's stock is currently overvalues and are selling it to cash in on the current high valuations. :)
Musk said "Tesla stock price is too high imo". This was a clue that the 1:5 stock split was coming.
Where did he ever say Tesla was overvalued?