Would a business offering food replicators (the Trek kind that materialise energy into food) seem fraudulent to you? Would they be selling a fake product or just not have manufactured it yet?
The difference is intent. A company could be run by a crackpot who sincerely believes that he can create a food replicator and states irrelevant qualifications. His process involves spending day after day drawing paper schematics and putting it in a literal black box. It would never work and couldn't be manufactured but it wouldn't be fraud.
Making the same claims of goals and taking the money and running? Fraud.
Would a business offering food replicators (the Trek kind that materialise energy into food) seem fraudulent to you? Would they be selling a fake product or just not have manufactured it yet?
The difference is intent. A company could be run by a crackpot who sincerely believes that he can create a food replicator and states irrelevant qualifications. His process involves spending day after day drawing paper schematics and putting it in a literal black box. It would never work and couldn't be manufactured but it wouldn't be fraud.
Making the same claims of goals and taking the money and running? Fraud.
What, in your mind, is fraud if announcing fake products as real does not qualify?