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Comment by nickik

4 years ago

> since when they started there was no real technology to talk about

That is flat false, making a automotive battery out of laptop batteries was quite a technology development. They also made their own engines and inverters from the beginning.

> The CEO of Tesla is also well known to be untrustworthy with his promises

Actually the opposite, it is well known that when he says something its very likely going to happen. As most of the things he say, no matter how crazy to turn out to actually happen.

Arguable there is no other human alive in the world today, that when he say 'We are gone do X' that more people believe could actually do it.

> having even being formally investigated by the SEC for stock price manipulation.

He wasn't investigated for stock price manipulation, he was investigated for improper communication to stock holders.

> I don't know the future, but there is a possibility that they will also develop the needed technology to make it all work.

So even after 10 years of consistently laying every year, announcing dozens of technologies that all turn out to be totally fake you still think they can do it. That seems beyond utterly blue-eye to me.