Comment by TeMPOraL
4 years ago
You're probably right in your general conclusion. I definitely understand - I'm on the "unorganized and chaotic" end of the scale. That is, I desperately try to get myself organized. I have been, for almost two decades now. I've started with GTD, done it numerous times, and went through pretty much anything I could find on-line. What always happened is as you describe: it "doesn't matter how beautiful the system is, (...) - a couple of months later it will lie abandoned and forgotten".
But! Every now and then, something from one of these systems will stick for longer. Perhaps a technique, or vocabulary, or a piece of tooling. Over time, it coalesces into this chaotic, very idiosyncratic organizational system that kind of works for you. I'm definitely much more productive today than I was those two decades ago.
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