Comment by CraigJPerry
4 years ago
I think this looks beautiful, definitely kudos for taking the time to finesse it so aesthetically.
If i had 5 CVs of this format to review i think i’d appreciate a few usability tweaks. The information density is too low for me. I think my ideal situation when consuming CVs is an uber dense firehose consisting of only relevant info.
I’d happily sacrifice the whitespace to have deeper detail about what was done in each role. I’d love if there was some consistency or key or colouring to help me figure out what each section contains.
E.g. if i read the first job listing and achievements/differentiators were in one colour box, responsibilities in a different colour and data like tenure/industry etc were in another colour box - then i could rapidly scan the other historical entries to compare and contrast, e.g. to help me get a flavour for how this person has chosen to develop their career over time for example.
Another thing i’d love is plenty of links to supporting info where available - git repos or published work etc.
This is going to sound ridiculous but i find the read aloud feature of the edge browser’s reader view and the two finger swipe audio reader of ios to be super useful. I have the speed cranked way up and i’m freed to efficiently write notes. If the format lent itself to speed read-aloud, i’d be a massive fan.
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