Comment by api
4 years ago
I wonder if a curated directory like the original 90s Yahoo! could work and experience a renaissance today? I could see that being more useful than search, honestly. Search today is just polluted with SEO trash.
4 years ago
I wonder if a curated directory like the original 90s Yahoo! could work and experience a renaissance today? I could see that being more useful than search, honestly. Search today is just polluted with SEO trash.
Define "work." A curated directory for some niche topic would definitely be of interest to people involved with that niche topic. And, depending on the topic, it might even serve as a decently profitable sideline for someone. But it certainly wouldn't be Yahoo! v. 2.
Ironically, for SEO purposes, to generate backlinks, there are endless directory websites out there which look like what you just described.
To make it successful, some kind of authority should be present in the sauce.