Comment by BrandoElFollito
4 years ago
Are you French? I am, I have a PhD and work in a large French tech company.
Having a PhD has never been an issue, usually an advantage, often neutral.
4 years ago
Are you French? I am, I have a PhD and work in a large French tech company.
Having a PhD has never been an issue, usually an advantage, often neutral.
I am French. Most of my friends have PhD. You still get the usual "you must not be very practical" during interviews and your salary is never better that what someone from a good engineering school would get.
If they get such a message, sorry but they are applying to the wrong companies. The ones I know very well (top tech in France, to take the French ones) would not say something like this.
As for the salary - this is normal. You apply to an engineering position so your experience in engineering positions/education counts. A PhD is not a hinder but not a huge booster either. This is not different from other countries, except for Germany and to some extend Poland and Italy.
Please note that France is extremely unique when it comes to engineering schools. Our pride in prépas and then top schools does not count at all abroad. You finished Polytechnique? OK, that's an engineering school in the top 100-400 of international schools.
>If they get such a message, sorry but they are applying to the wrong companies. The ones I know very well (top tech in France, to take the French ones) would not say something like this.
Well, it's common in the US too, from what I've read. Tech companies (in IT at least) don't particularly care for PhDs...
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