Comment by busterarm
4 years ago
There's a difference between trending towards death and dead.
IBM has been trending towards death for decades now and it's nowhere near dead.
MongoDB is certainly on the road to death, IMO. As has Oracle DBMS since the 90s.
Most companies tend to make more money as their product's growth stalls out (extracting more money from existing customers).
The fact that Mongo had to create shitty-license underpins huge revenue problems. If you look at the major trends and surveys, the ones targeted at people who actually drive database adoption within companies, MongoDB is sliding YoY for 3 years now.
The place you see Mongo growing is Atlas. Yes, as their competitors can no longer offer MongoDB in their clouds, revenue shifts to MongoDB. That does not mean that use of the database itself is growing.
What surveys are you referring to? Got any sources?
the yearly Stack Overflow survey, for one.
Find me a bunch of developers and infrastructure people who are EXCITED about running MongoDB. I guarantee you're going to find a 7-10+ year old infrastructure if you do.
Pretty misleading when it leads the most wanted category in that very survey (maybe you're thinking of what people report already using)
This just isn't true. A large number of companies are building new applications with MongoDB atlas
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