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Comment by fighterpilot

4 years ago

Suppose we have 100 sequential bets with distribution U(-1,1.1) on each. How would we apply Kelly here?

You wouldn't unless you could vary your exposure to such a sequential bet.

Suppose you can though. For simplicity, suppose you can expose yourself to 0.4U(-1, 1.1), 40U(-1, 1.1), or any other fractional amount F U(-1, 1.1) you might like. Kelly is a technique for choosing F (maybe you had some other idea in mind like that you have to buy into a bet on U(0, 2.1) -- if so, that's nearly equivalent other than putting bounds on F -- the idea of maximizing expected logarithm will carry through to other bet structures).

Going through the motions, suppose you're starting with a bankroll B then you want to choose some ratio F=rB maximizing the expected logarithm of the bet. The distribution of your outcome is another uniform distribution U(B-rB, B+1.1rB), and you want to choose r maximizing the expected logarithm of that distribution. The details of that are probably beyond the scope of a HN comment, but you wind up with r approximately equal to 0.13624.

If you'd like you could plot the result of many instances of 100 such sequential bets with r varying. You'll find that those with r around 0.13624 will usually be much larger than for other choices of r.