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Comment by nsxwolf

3 years ago

How can anyone say it’s accurate?

Employers provide it. Obviously they could report incorrectly, but it's not like Equifax is just guessing.

  • Would you be willing to torpedo a good candidate making a reasonable request for compensation based on a discrepancy on this site?

    • Would I personally? No. But then I would not ask the requisite question of "what was your prior salary" in the first place.

      Fact of the matter is that this tool makes it trivial for medium and large employers to suppress wages.

  • You could start your own co. and raise your salary to the sky, this can be gamed. But then, why would you even be an employee.

    However, for the average worker, this is awful

Silver lining is that I don't see any RSU compensation listed in my report! That's the biggest chunk of my earnings anyway, so that should be fair game during negotiations.