Comment by jiveturkey
3 years ago
I'm not sure how these go together. No problem sharing to your peers regardless of what your employer shares.
3 years ago
I'm not sure how these go together. No problem sharing to your peers regardless of what your employer shares.
It's implication logic.
Employer sharing your data means you shouldn't think twice about doing the same.
Employer not sharing your data does not necessarily imply you can't.
Many people have an ethical sense that if something is understood to not be done to them they will not do it to others.
It takes a while for people to learn that, with exceptions, companies have never heard of this rule. But it's understandable that people would still feel bad about doing stuff we've been taught all our lives isn't really a good way to be.
Sure, a company isn't your friend, but that doesn't make "betraying trust" in response a nice feeling.