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Comment by shubb

3 years ago

Salary data is pretty valuable.

Someone should make a site (like glass door) where existing employees post salary information and other non-nda breaking information, and people who want it pay them for it (with the site taking a cut)

Why are we giving it away for free anyway?

There is already the blind app and also levels.fyi

  • At the moment, the model is that we put our valuable data into a pool in return for access to the pool. We then get access to semi-aggregate data from the pool which may be profitable for us, and the platform makes money by selling access or ads.

    The model I was proposing was more of a market where you can go and anonymously pay the worker next to you to know how much he is paid, where it would be difficult to just ask. i.e. higher resolution more identifying information than people were comfortable to give away for free, sweetened by getting a useful amount of money.