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Comment by landemva

2 years ago

> try and salvage their shitty, shitty ideas into workable projects that will end with us publishing.

Maybe the university publish or perish system is the real problem, with the egojerks being symptoms?

no; the pathology is independent of social system.

  • Do you mean that the system is not the problem, but the pathological people running the system are the problem?

    Why does USA bother with the trope of invading countries "to spread democracy" if USA could just install one chosen person who rules as we want?

How is that related?

Why can't a PI push his team to publish a lot, even callously work them to the bone (common in chemistry) without being and egotistical psychopath?

Is it because the egotistical psychopathy is the excuse the PI hides behind when stealing credit/authorship from their team members?