Comment by FrustratedMonky
2 years ago
I see where you are coming from now. See, 'text' got us here eventually.
I'm more from Zen Buddhism background, so agree about not trusting 'text'. That language is limited for communication. I think a lot of the issues here, are just about miss-interpreting language.
But for Psychedelics, I have always fallen on the side that they can also cause delusion. I guess because they are mind altering, then potentially they are altering perceptions to be something even less real than someone had without psychedelics.
The other reason I have not depended on them, is because no matter the impressions they leave, however mind expanding, it is still isolated inside my own head. They don’t provide proof of anything outside myself. The results are still limited to the individual’s point of view. But also agree, that they can be valuable if someone is so buried in dogma it helps them break out to look around. So, guess for psychedelics, it depends on where someone is at, and trying to achieve.
With all addiction dogma aside, or arguments on what is addictive, or not, aside. My struggles to overcome addiction have led me to not trust mind altering substances. That even if our own un-altered perceptions are an illusion, so is the altered perception. So being in an altered state is not gaining ground on understanding.
On other hand Psychedelics do help with some addictions, so guess mileage can vary.
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