Comment by ratboy666
2 years ago
The provider of care gets paid "a reasonable amount". The care is provided. No bureaucratic nonsense. Sound ideal. Except... someone invents a novel care. They can choose to provide it "for a reasonable amount". But it can ONLY be provided by the entity paying "a reasonable amount". That entity has to make the call "novel care/old care". Old care is ALSO provided at a "reasonable amount" and has entrenched interests. There is no way that novel care wins. Without setting up an alternate system, or going OUTSIDE the system. Then, consumers of old care can see novel care and its benefits. They can then demand novel care. This happens within the American system, and the American system provides that "outsider status" to other systems (like the one we have in Canada). What does the Canadian system eventually go? Without sufficient external force, it is less expensive to provide MAID (medical assistance in dying) that actual healthcare. The current debate in Canada is whether mental illness is a sufficient trigger for MAID. Depressed? Best cure is death. And, yes, Canada has been mocked for that.
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