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Comment by vignesh_warar

2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. The LLM part is a bit buggy since I rushed its release. Currently, I am rewriting the entire LLM section to ensure that it is both fast and reliable.

May I ask how many queries you would like before signing up?

I'm not sure if the number of queries is easy to measure. My experience is as follows:

I found out about it and decided to make some queries. I was trying to understand what it's good at and what it is not. I think I tried the same query a few times and small variations of it. I was trying to figure out when citations would start at 1 and when it wouldn't when it stopped working. I had already made a more generic query and I was trying to think some queries that would be probably answered by hackernews stuff. I would probably play around with a little more today, so even for that exploration the number of queries were too little. It even surprises me the limit is 20, I thought I made less than that.

Anyway, after I knew what it was good at and what it was not. I was planning on just keeping it in the back of my mind throughout the next days, specially when I go back to work (I'm on holidays now) and I thought I'd try it out whenever I had a natural query that I wanted to search for. That would be the true test in my mind.

In my mind, an unlimited 30-day free trial would probably be what makes most sense for that sort of thing. I do realise you'll probably want the user to sign in to offer that. Which, I might, reluctantly, do if the site actually offered me that option, but I didn't get the impression that I'd get anything like that. Signing up is a bit annoying because then I'll have to sign in from work as well, which I never really like to do, but I don't have a better way to offer a 30-day trial anyway. Alternatively, if you limited to 5 queries a day instead of a month it would already be a better proposition, because at least I'd be able to try it again tomorrow or when I get back to work. As it currently stands, I can only try it again in a month. I'll surely have forgotten about this by then.

Edit: actually just realised that not even $15/month gives you unlimited queries. 26 per day seems a bit on the short side of things. For the same reasons above, I think refreshing the queries daily or at least weekly makes more sense. I'd hate to run out of queries at the end of the month. Or maybe just have a price per query and charge based on that while allowing the user to set a limit. I suppose at the moment the price is $0.01875 per query. But you are required to bulk buy 800

Instead of just asking one person for their answer, you could randomize how many quarries people are allowed, and then see which one converts best.

  • Yeah, I should add a disclaimer that I'm just one user who's never been a product manager or anything of the sort. All my opinions may be completely rubbish. But I share them anyways because they may help someone.