Comment by qazxcvbnm
1 year ago
Would you mind elaborating on your idea of the composite "agent"? I don't quite understand it, and it does not sound like what I think OP's metacircular evaluator is referring to.
1 year ago
Would you mind elaborating on your idea of the composite "agent"? I don't quite understand it, and it does not sound like what I think OP's metacircular evaluator is referring to.
Well.. hm. Basically, in a "normal", non-self-hoisted interaction net you have agents that have principal ports and interact with each other -- in iNet, those are called nodes. So, I'm thinking it might be possible to make a self-hoisted interaction net by replacing each custom node/agent in the original "normal" net with a subgraph which is composed entirely of reusable nodes that implement the self-hoisting. And, I'd imagine that such a subgraph would have a single principal port pointing in the same direction as the "normal" agent's principal port did, plus an internal set of nodes which encode the rules. Hence, each "normal agent" is turned into a "composite agent" -- if that makes sense.
ooh interesting. So it’s kind of like having iNet inside iNet, like node is implemented as an iNet itself (or a sub-iNet)?
we will probably need some graph-theoretical way of defining the env for it to be able to spring up a towel of meta-circular interpreters