I work in this space and have dealt with variants of this exact vulnerability 20+ times in the last 3-4 years across a wide range of login providers and SaaS companies. The blog post is correct, but IMO the core problem itself is too far gone to be fixable. Delegated auth across the internet is an absolute mess. I have personally spoken with plenty of Google and Microsoft engineers about this, so I can guarantee they are all already well aware of this class of problems, but changing the behavior now would just break too many existing services and decades-old corporate login implementations.
The "fix" at this point is simply – if you are using "Sign in with XYZ" for your site, do not trust whatever email address they send you. Never grant the user any special privileges based on the email domain, and always send a confirmation email from your own side before marking the address as verified in your database. All the major OAuth providers have updated their docs to make this explicit, as the post itself points out. In fact I'm surprised there even was a payout for this.
I feel as though this is a consequence of organizations not really understanding how complex the space truly is. The way I've watched OAuth2 + OIDC get adopted in various companies was never from a security-first perspective; rather, it's always sold as a "feature": login with x, etc. Even when there are moves to make flows more secure - PKCE, for example - you end up playing a game of "whack-a-mole" with various platforms doing shitty things in terms of cookie sharing, redirect handling, and the like. The fundamentals of 3-legged OAuth2 are sound and there's tons of prior art (CAS comes to mind), but the OpenID Foundation should be tarred and feathered for the shitty way they market and sold OIDC.
OpenID Connect and all its extensions are so high in complexity and scope. The documents themselves are massive and written in a quite hard to understand form. I've implemented many protocols and RFCs so I feel I have some experience.
Because OpenID Connect and OAuth2 are so closely related, I worry that some of this overengineering is making it's way back into new OAuth2 extensions.
I'm worried both will eventually collapse under their own weight, creating a market for a new, simpler incumbent and setting us back another 10 years as all this has to get reinvented again.
My outside impression is that the OIDC folks are highly productive with really strong domain knowledge and experience, but they're not strong communicators or shepherds with a strong enough vision.
The sad thing is that this is the second thing with the OpenID name that's going down this path. The original OpenID concept was great but also collapsed due to their over-engineering.
> Never grant the user any special privileges based on the email domain, and always send a confirmation email from your own side before marking the address as verified in your database
Doesn't this fail if the user registered an account (on google) with the plus sign address, and then signed into your service with that google account before getting the boot? Unless you're sending a verification email for every sign-in...
The idea is that the company's Zoom admin should always specify the exact list of users who are allowed to be in their Zoom account. The email domain should have no bearing. So if you sign in as bob@mycorp.com, and that is a valid corporate account with the right permissions, you are let through. If you try bob+foo@mycorp.com, it should always fail. The pattern of "oh they have a mycorp.com email so they are probably legit" was broken from the start.
This is thankfully less of an issue now since everyone is moving to SAML-based logins and SCIM provisioning.
because the collisions can already exist when someone signs up for google workspace. and what are you going to do, delete those accounts? a lot of those would be personal accounts on educational domains...
Related: More service providers need to stop using email as the primary identifier (as Google’s docs recommend). When I changed my username on Google Apps, I spent a lot of time dealing with issues at Slack, Datadog, GoLinks, and others.
If you're logging in with OIDC (as is the case w/ the OP), the combination of the issuer and the `sub` claim identify the user (the "subject"). The relying party (the system wanting to authenticate the user) just treats sub as an opaque string (unique within that issuer). The `email` claim is just the "End-User's preferred e-mail address." (And … "The RP MUST NOT rely upon this value being unique" … the end user's email might change … for whatever reason the end-user, or their IDP, might prefer. Also, any other IDP might claim that email as the preferred email, potentially truthfully, too.)
The docs, however, seem to be discussing the notion of the relying party's "user" object. For that … use a UUID, an auto-incrementing int, some artificial key, totally up to you. Link that user object with the (iss, sub) tuple above. But you should consider¹ whether user can adjust their authentication method with whatever you're building: e.g., if I change OIDC providers … can I adjust in your RP what IDP my account is connected to? (Same as I might need to update an email, or a password in a more classic login system.)
(¹The answer is also not always "yes", either; I work with a system where the IDP is pretty much fixed, because it's a party we trust. All signins have to come from that specific IDP, because again, the trust relationship. But, on the open web where I'm just building Kittenstagram, you don't care whether the user is signing in with Hooli's IDP, Joja's, etc.)
Just use an integer or GUID or something as primary key. It is still totally fine to use an email address as username, of course - just keep a separate email-to-user mapping and don't use the email itself as primary key.
Treat the email address like a name field: it's probably not going to change, but don't make it impossible to do so when someone wants to.
I changed my last name when I got married, and at the time I had a work email address that looked like oldlastname@company.com on the company's Google Workspace. Given that oldlastname was no longer my name, I changed my email address to newlastnmae@company.com.
This worked fine in Google services and some of the many work applications using Google for auth, but some of them were using the email address as a global identifier in a way that broke down when I changed my name. The services that migrated successfully were using a more stable identifier that persisted despite the address change.
I have a comcast email named after an old movie monster. Turns out that a former comcast customer once had the same account, and registered it with google (and others). Not only can I not use that address with google services, creating google calendar events using my email will sent the notification to the other guy (as a result, I created another email address for job interviews).
Every year I get several notifications that this guy has done something with his x-box, or registered a new device for something or other. It is absolutely nuts, and companies like Google refuse to let people like myself claim our own email addresses.
Curious to hear answers to this too. People forget usernames and that alone would lead to drop off. People are also reluctant to give out phone nos. which is anyway a terrible identifier and has the same issues as email.
I can't agree. This guidance just pushes responsibility down onto application developers and I would expect most of them to either do nothing or implement guidance inconsistently.
The right thing here is to offer APIs that fit the needs of the applications that will use them with as little extra responsibility as possible.
In this case, I'd have hoped that Google would set email_verified to false so that applications (or downstream IDPs) would know that they had to do extra verification.
The OIDC spec does provide a stable identifier, and Google implements it properly. My Google Workspace address will always be verified, so your solution doesn’t apply. Changing my email address at Google itself won’t unverify it. Also, you’re still relying on developers to read the docs and properly implement the spec.
Why is it even possible to create a new Google account with an email like 'user+suffix@domain' if 'user@domain' is already handled by google's mail servers and thus applies the plus-routing rules? Even in the non-exploity case that seems like a great way to create confusing mail setups.
A domain can freely move between mail servers. Google has a specific handling for a+b@domain.com, other servers might not. At the end of the day they are two unique email addresses, and that's how they should be treated across the internet.
It's even worse than that. At least the +XYZ is specified in the email rfc. Google has decided even further that periods in the name also go to the cononical email. ie hi.my.name@google.com is equal to himyname@google.com and routes all emails to the second.
I could swear I at least once received an email that was sent to myname.mydomain@gmail.com or something similar in my myname@mydomain email. It's been several years but I remember thinking that was fucked up and looking into the full email to see if there was any other explanation for me receiving it, which I did not find.
> I remember being surprised to learn that Microsoft would send Email claims that were not created or validated by Microsoft, and that the email claim in general was not considered reliable.
> This was counter-intuitive to me, because I had thought the entire purpose of OIDC was to establish reliable identity via a 3rd party like Microsoft.
That might have been the original intent, but I find it very useful that OIDC can be more flexible. For example, I run a free login provider[0], and it works by validating an identity with a 4th party identity provider (IdP) either with upstream OIDC or direct email, and creating a privacy screen between the app and that IdP (ie so Google can't track every app you're logging into). The fact that you can bring your own email to Google means you can get the security and UX of Google OIDC with the privacy of email + password, with the huge caveat that now you have to trust LastLogin instead of Google. But we're working on protocols to reduce that dependence.
> Google’s documentation in fact warned against using Email as an identifier
I completely disagree with Google on this. Email is the only truly federated identity that people actually use. Until we have something better widely deployed (and there are some promising alternatives in the works), I believe email addresses should be treated as identities.
> I believe email addresses should be treated as identities.
No, for two reasons:
Outside of the western world, phones are more common than computers and easier UIs in general so a phone number is more likely to be their identity.
In addition, that means you're completely handing off your identity to your email provider. Considering many - looking at you google - are faceless organizations that can and will shut down your access without notice or appeal, you could lose everything.
Background: I launched Okta's OAuth and OIDC products, put together LinkedIn's courses on the same, and doing it again at Pangea Cyber.
> Outside of the western world, phones are more common than computers and easier UIs in general so a phone number is more likely to be their identity.
When I worked at Stripe, we found that far more people lost access to phone numbers than email addresses. And the reason is simple: if you can't pay your phone bill, you lose your phone number.
While going through support tickets to tabulate which auth issues we should focus on, I came across one person who had a Stripe balance that they needed to feed their kid. But they couldn't log in because they couldn't pay their phone bill and had lost their number. The very fine support folks got the situation resolved with other identity checks, but it was a huge wakeup call.
You simply _cannot_ use an identifier that requires ongoing payment for identity purposes. You and I are probably privileged enough to never have to worry about this, but everyone who falls below the lower middle class is entirely vulnerable to losing _everything_ this way.
> you're completely handing off your identity to your email provider. Considering many - looking at you google - are faceless organizations that can and will shut down your access without notice or appeal, you could lose everything.
Versus handing off your phone number to organizations that routinely get socially engineered to transfer phone numbers. This is such a common attack that my mom knows about it. Ironically, the facelessness of most email providers also protects you from having your identity yoinked out from under you by one of their staff: I don't personally know a single person whose had their email turned off as a result of social engineering.
Unless you're using PKC, you're completely handing off your identity to someone. The question is what's your threat model for having your identity taken from you. For me I've decided I trust DNS, because if it fails we probably have bigger problems. So email on a custom domain is as strong an identity as I require. I see a Gmail account as good enough for most people, but not for me personally.
Ideally I would like to see people hosting their own IdP servers from their laptops at home over something like ngrok but e2ee, but we have a ways to go for that.
Aside: given your background at Okta and ngrok, we have a lot of overlapping work. I'm curious of your thoughts on my LastLogin.io project?
Sadly more and more countries require mobile service providers to check identity of the user before providing a phone number. Not everyone wants to be easily identifiable IRL. Meanwhile, unique e-mail addresses are available by anyone without proof of identity.
And the goal more often is to identify a unique user, not have a user that can be traced back to real life.
There's an important difference between email as an identifier in your own system, versus email as an identifier for a linked Google account. I agree with you that email works okay as an identity within a system you control, but agree with Google that it's a terrible way of linking with an external system: ephemeral, potentially tied to multiple accounts (!), and pointless when you've got an actual ID to use instead.
I think it would be really great if you could compare/contrast LastLogin with Dex. Especially given they're both Go. Just curious if you evaluated dex, etc.
Also toyed with... Portier (nee Mozilla Persona). But ultimately dealing with this email normalization seemed like a losing/hard battle. And I mostly accepted that I'll likely die before a good solution is pioneered here and have refocus attention elsewhere. :/
Is this really a Google OAuth issue, or more failure my many service providers to properly verify the OAuth token assertions before allowing access? Seems to me the latter.
It sounds like the issue is that these service providers are obeying Google's aliasing rules, but also ignoring the fact that you shouldn't be using email as a primary identifier [1]? It's funny, if they had adhered to the spec more they'd be fine; but if they adheredess and treated alias' as distinct emails, these platforms would at least be more secure.
I believe OAuth is working as expected. It provides valid authentication/identity for email addresses because "user@domain" and "user+wildcard@domain" are still validated as email addresses "owned" by the user.
The issue is with the Google org website: admins cannot revoke credentials for accounts/emails they cannot see.
> Because these non-Gmail Google accounts aren’t actually a member of the Google organization, they won’t show up in any administrator settings, or user Google lists.
> Following this flow, you can create a Google account using a support ticket email address, potentially view the contents of the ticket to finish the account creation, and start using the support email address to Oauth into stuff.
The OIDC spec tells you that you must not to use e-mail as a unique identifier. You must use the 'iss' and 'sub' fields as username in your application.
Why? Well, for a start, it's obvious that user e-mail addresses can be re-used. If you've got a contractor working for Business A and Business B, both who create a user account in their authentication service for them, then as a SaaS platform, you can't match their e-mail address to a single B2B customer.
Secondly, there's the really obvious thing that e-mail addresses change. Businesses get bought, change name, go through mergers, etc. etc., and people's names change too (marriage, divorce, because they feel like it).
I found implementing SSO to be really challenging for a start-up. Getting it correct is hard, and you need to have a good understanding of the general concepts and OIDC and OAuth2 before trying to put it into use. Auth0 have a good book. If you don't understand this, then you'll probably end up doing something like implementing password grant auth everywhere and leave your application insecure.
Sometimes reading articles like these are a good well to alleviate any accumulating imposter syndrome. "Oh, I'm interfacing with a third party system for something that represents an abstract actor. it better have a stable, non-stringy reliable identifier". And yes, the spec is very clear about this, beyond just basic considerations of building a remotely robust system.
A microcosm. There is no such thing as OAuth2. OAuth2 is just a way for megacorps to implement their own arbitrary/proprietary auth systems. It is a toolkit for making auth systems, not an auth system. So we end up in a world where oauth2 was supposed to be a standard, but instead every megacorp has their own incompatible implementation. And sure, people will dev for the megacorp use cases... but that just means the "standard" is now whatever google does/etc.
And they all have their own little bugs like this. We should go back to oauth1. It was a real standard. Not a toolkit for making standards.
I wouldn't really call this a bug, more like an unfortunate side effect of combining these particular components: domain names that can change ownership, BYO email (as backup email & email provenance), the liberal allowance of plus-aliases (which I'm sure someone somewhere is claiming a business need or they would have killed it long ago), and service implementers not reading the documentation (or largely copying solutions from a video or example with cut corners for brevity/simplicity, likely to facilitate its easy consumption).
If I were designing a circuit with a few PCB components and needed to introduce resistors and transistors as appropriate for the voltage and current needs of the device .. would you expect me to read the data sheet or just guess it from a simpler example and run with it? In a lot of cases the circuit would still work, or it would after a few bench tests and a bit of probing. But maybe it wouldn't be as efficient and a component would short out leading to low MTF and sad customers. Worst case scenario maybe combusting batteries and real harm. Now ask yourself, is it really the PCB modules' manufacturers fault that the device fails prematurely? Or is the device manufacturer the one responsible for reading the data sheet?
I don't typically hold all software to such rigorous expectations but when it deals with authentication and authorization I would expect service owners to be thorough.
TFA even says that the issue doesn't exist if the docs are followed. Alphabet did at least acknowledge there's a weakness there by granting the bounty, maybe they'll provide some controls for company administrators to allowlist/rejectlist plus-aliases or nonexistent roles, or maybe restrict the migration of Apps-affiliated emails to non-org claims? (My guess is they're measuring the impact of this, or prioritizing the measurement of impact, where priority is low because it is a problem with clients that assume email claims are more authoritative and permanent than they actually are).
I suppose the definition of "bug" depends a lot on the definition of "expected" and who's expecting, but I would assert it is not a deviation from intended behavior, at least, and not unexpected to those who grokked the docs.
What am I missing here? Outside of the support system/zendesk and unattended old domain methods identified I can't make a new Google account for whatever@mydomain.com without being asked to verify it - so what's the real likelihood of abuse?
The idea is that you do this in advance, at a time when you have legitimate access, then you later lose that access.
So say you have a egamirorrim@mydomain.com google account legitimately. You can use an alias like egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com to create a new google account with a verified email address, resulting in "log in with google" google sending an email claim egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com.
Then, later, mydomain.com fires you. You can no longer log in with the real egamirorrim@mydomain.com associated account, as it was disabled by an administrator. However you can still log into the new google account, egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com , since it's not associated with your organization.
The thing is, afaict this then only becomes a problem if the provider is doing authz based exclusively off of the email claim. I've used OIDC in the past and you are not supposed to grant access to resources based on parsing text in email addresses claim!
I can understand why the blog post author found this counterintuitive, but as they note the docs even warn against doing this.
The blog post goes on to make this statement:
> Most of the service providers I tested did not use HD, they used the email claim.
... OK, well what are they "using" it for? Does this trick actually work on any real world services? If so, I would like for them to be named and shamed.
Even if you (erroneously) assume this value is unique and immutable, that alone doesn't necessarily grant access to anything in and of itself.
Perhaps my assumption is faulty. If an email is sent to egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com it would go to egamirorrim@mydomain.com which you no longer have access to. Do you simply never again need to receive an email at egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com?
Well the best solution is basically to allow the creation of the account but keep it deactivated so that a human needs to check it. That at least works for things like gitlab or other things were an Organisation signs up. The problem of the hd claim is actually not one since you need to validate your domain and if your a saas provider that is b2b only that’s ok.
Microsoft is even worst tough, where you need a different claim than email, depending on what you are doing. (UPN)
I'm struggling to understand how to reproduce this.
I have a Google Workspace organization: org.com
I create a new user: sneed@org.com
Where/when/how is the sneed+alias@org.com created? How is the user sneed@org.com doing this if they don't have administrative access to organization management?
Using emails like this is usually found during pen tests. Not Googles fault I would say even though I think OAuth is overly complicated. This is along the line of sending secrets in the token. Tokens are signed, not encrypted.
I use OAuth2 all the time. And I don't understand the conflation of email and OAuth2 being discussed in that article. With Google's OAuth2, I can get the user's email - but so what? I have no need for it and I never use it.
"Because these non-Gmail Google accounts aren’t actually a member of the Google organization, they won’t show up in any administrator settings, or user Google lists."
I don't understand that statement either. They do show up. Now of course the org could choose to not do anything to manage the access of those users - which is common enough. I made a tool used by some of my larger clients to a) get reports of users and their permissions (available via Google's APIs) and b) batch delete those user permissions.
Anyone else unable to access what I assume are supposed to links for the centred bits of text throughout that article? I had a hard time understanding parts of it...
Whether or not a link gets any attention here depends on a lot of things aside from the link itself. For instance, if it happens to hit the front page at the same time as something else that is drawing everyone's attention then it may simply go unnoticed.
Also, although this isn't the case here, if it's just a link without a description or some sort of commentary explaining why the link is of interest, it may not get the traction you'd expect.
Is it just me or does it seem a bit odd that payout after triage took almost two full months? Initially I was positively surprised that they came up with a triage verdict within 2-3 days but what's the deal with the payout coming so late?
Not sure about Google VRP, but I've gotten multiple payouts from Chrome over the years and I believe there's a schedule. The rewards panel meets every x weeks in order to award payouts on qualifying reports. Almost no bug bounty programs pay upon triage by the way, they pay after resolution.
I run a bug bounty program and I pay upon successful triage: while our engineering teams do have security SLA’s, it’s not fair to whomever reported the vulnerability to wait for our (sometimes broken) processes in order to be paid.
Is it just me that feels $1337 is an insult? FAANG pays way too low bounties for this kind of stuff. This kind of info would be much more valuable on the black market.
To be clear, the information shows a rogue employee how to create accounts in third-party apps (Slack, Zoom, etc.) that won't be automatically deleted when the employee is terminated. I'd love to hear why you think this information would be "much more valuable" than $1337 on the black market as that is not obvious to me.
Also, if anyone should be paying bounties, it's the third-party apps, since they're the ones which are vulnerable. I'm impressed Google is paying a bounty just for pointing out a footgun. I would probably not have bothered reporting this to Google if I had found it; $1337 would be more of a pleasant surprise to me than an "insult".
In fact I'd argue that Google paying a bug bounty for something that is well-defined and documented behavior and will never be "fixed" actually undermines the program.
> Because these non-Gmail Google accounts aren’t actually a member of the Google organization, they won’t show up in any administrator settings, or user Google lists.
That's why. This bug allows an attacker to retain access to various accounts attached to an already-compromised company or employee of the company. Not only that, but the retention is completely invisible to the account administrators.
Needing the same level of access that an employee has in order to utilize it doesn't make it less valuable. There are plenty of valuable bugs that can only be utilized from specific positions. Consider how many hacks have happened because an employee's devices or accounts were compromised, rather than some server system that no one individual owns. The recent Okta hack happened that way.
Buy why should Google pay them at all? One of the first screenshots of their documentation says you shouldn't trust the email claim, so they're obviously aware of this issue. The problem is third parties using Google's OAuth incorrectly. If anything, Slack/Zoom/etc should be paying.
Nope, I'm with you. Based on the quick blurb about what the vuln way, $1337 is an absolutely steal for Google. Paying for a team or outside pentesters to attempt to find this would be _way_ more expensive.
From a practical perspective, they probably should "match" what black market values these exploits, and I surely wish they can give much higher bounties in general (and they for sure can afford!), but I don't think they ethnically need to (so it's not an insult in my view).
Turning these exploits/vulnerabilities to black market is not only immoral but also highly illegal, so the "value" is inflated due to these "risk" factors. You can't really expect the same from the affected company themselves.
It's like saying if you found a lost item and you ask a large sum from the owner when you return it, because "I can get much more if I choose to just sell it on the street".
> Turning these exploits/vulnerabilities to black market is not only immoral but also highly illegal
I assumed 'black market' here means irresponsible disclosure, which there are many sites operating legally (Zerodium being a prime example)
Who are the customers? Theoretically nation-state actors, but do we really know? Either way, you're selling the vulnerability to a private party. To my knowledge, selling knowledge of an exploit to almost anyone is legal (unless it could be classified treason or a threat to national security or something).
As is publishing the security research after responsibly disclosing (as the blog author did here), though we've had to fight pretty hard to get to the point where warning people of threats to their digital safety (often because companies are too lazy to protect their users) is generally understood to be legal.
If you pay too much in bounties, you risk having your own red-team employees leave so that they can report bugs externally and get paid much more via bounties.
> Today I’m publicizing a Google OAuth vulnerability that allows employees at companies to retain indefinite access to applications like Slack and Zoom, after they’re off-boarded and removed from their company’s Google organization. The vulnerability is easy for a non-technical audience to understand and exploit.
> October 5th- Google paid $1337 for the issue
Is that a joke? Does Google really value security so low?
If i read the post right, the behaviour in question was already mentioned in the docs before they reported this. I'm more surprised they got any money instead of a "its a feature not a bug" response.
I work in this space and have dealt with variants of this exact vulnerability 20+ times in the last 3-4 years across a wide range of login providers and SaaS companies. The blog post is correct, but IMO the core problem itself is too far gone to be fixable. Delegated auth across the internet is an absolute mess. I have personally spoken with plenty of Google and Microsoft engineers about this, so I can guarantee they are all already well aware of this class of problems, but changing the behavior now would just break too many existing services and decades-old corporate login implementations.
The "fix" at this point is simply – if you are using "Sign in with XYZ" for your site, do not trust whatever email address they send you. Never grant the user any special privileges based on the email domain, and always send a confirmation email from your own side before marking the address as verified in your database. All the major OAuth providers have updated their docs to make this explicit, as the post itself points out. In fact I'm surprised there even was a payout for this.
I feel as though this is a consequence of organizations not really understanding how complex the space truly is. The way I've watched OAuth2 + OIDC get adopted in various companies was never from a security-first perspective; rather, it's always sold as a "feature": login with x, etc. Even when there are moves to make flows more secure - PKCE, for example - you end up playing a game of "whack-a-mole" with various platforms doing shitty things in terms of cookie sharing, redirect handling, and the like. The fundamentals of 3-legged OAuth2 are sound and there's tons of prior art (CAS comes to mind), but the OpenID Foundation should be tarred and feathered for the shitty way they market and sold OIDC.
OpenID Connect and all its extensions are so high in complexity and scope. The documents themselves are massive and written in a quite hard to understand form. I've implemented many protocols and RFCs so I feel I have some experience.
Because OpenID Connect and OAuth2 are so closely related, I worry that some of this overengineering is making it's way back into new OAuth2 extensions.
I'm worried both will eventually collapse under their own weight, creating a market for a new, simpler incumbent and setting us back another 10 years as all this has to get reinvented again.
My outside impression is that the OIDC folks are highly productive with really strong domain knowledge and experience, but they're not strong communicators or shepherds with a strong enough vision.
The sad thing is that this is the second thing with the OpenID name that's going down this path. The original OpenID concept was great but also collapsed due to their over-engineering.
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> Never grant the user any special privileges based on the email domain, and always send a confirmation email from your own side before marking the address as verified in your database
Doesn't this fail if the user registered an account (on google) with the plus sign address, and then signed into your service with that google account before getting the boot? Unless you're sending a verification email for every sign-in...
The idea is that the company's Zoom admin should always specify the exact list of users who are allowed to be in their Zoom account. The email domain should have no bearing. So if you sign in as bob@mycorp.com, and that is a valid corporate account with the right permissions, you are let through. If you try bob+foo@mycorp.com, it should always fail. The pattern of "oh they have a mycorp.com email so they are probably legit" was broken from the start.
This is thankfully less of an issue now since everyone is moving to SAML-based logins and SCIM provisioning.
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> Unless you're sending a verification email for every sign-in...
Yes, absolutely do this! This is what Slack does, and what we do at my current employer (defined.net). "Magic link" email + TOTP is pretty slick.
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> Unless you're sending a verification email for every sign-in...
Isn't that your typical 2FA flow?
But in this particular case the attacker will actually receive a confirmation email, so what's the point?
> always send a confirmation email from your own side before marking the address as verified in your database
This would render the login with x feature useless from a user pov.
Would be be useless? Wouldn’t the verification email happen once, then after which you gain all the SSO benefits?
You still get the benefit of not remembering an extra password.
Why couldn't Google prevent signups using domains of Google Apps customers? That doesn't seem like it would break anything.
because the collisions can already exist when someone signs up for google workspace. and what are you going to do, delete those accounts? a lot of those would be personal accounts on educational domains...
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Related: More service providers need to stop using email as the primary identifier (as Google’s docs recommend). When I changed my username on Google Apps, I spent a lot of time dealing with issues at Slack, Datadog, GoLinks, and others.
What should providers be using?
I've always presumed email was the most stable global identifier for a user, but that assumption appears to be wrong.
If you're logging in with OIDC (as is the case w/ the OP), the combination of the issuer and the `sub` claim identify the user (the "subject"). The relying party (the system wanting to authenticate the user) just treats sub as an opaque string (unique within that issuer). The `email` claim is just the "End-User's preferred e-mail address." (And … "The RP MUST NOT rely upon this value being unique" … the end user's email might change … for whatever reason the end-user, or their IDP, might prefer. Also, any other IDP might claim that email as the preferred email, potentially truthfully, too.)
The docs, however, seem to be discussing the notion of the relying party's "user" object. For that … use a UUID, an auto-incrementing int, some artificial key, totally up to you. Link that user object with the (iss, sub) tuple above. But you should consider¹ whether user can adjust their authentication method with whatever you're building: e.g., if I change OIDC providers … can I adjust in your RP what IDP my account is connected to? (Same as I might need to update an email, or a password in a more classic login system.)
(¹The answer is also not always "yes", either; I work with a system where the IDP is pretty much fixed, because it's a party we trust. All signins have to come from that specific IDP, because again, the trust relationship. But, on the open web where I'm just building Kittenstagram, you don't care whether the user is signing in with Hooli's IDP, Joja's, etc.)
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Just use an integer or GUID or something as primary key. It is still totally fine to use an email address as username, of course - just keep a separate email-to-user mapping and don't use the email itself as primary key.
Treat the email address like a name field: it's probably not going to change, but don't make it impossible to do so when someone wants to.
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I changed my last name when I got married, and at the time I had a work email address that looked like oldlastname@company.com on the company's Google Workspace. Given that oldlastname was no longer my name, I changed my email address to newlastnmae@company.com.
This worked fine in Google services and some of the many work applications using Google for auth, but some of them were using the email address as a global identifier in a way that broke down when I changed my name. The services that migrated successfully were using a more stable identifier that persisted despite the address change.
I have a comcast email named after an old movie monster. Turns out that a former comcast customer once had the same account, and registered it with google (and others). Not only can I not use that address with google services, creating google calendar events using my email will sent the notification to the other guy (as a result, I created another email address for job interviews).
Every year I get several notifications that this guy has done something with his x-box, or registered a new device for something or other. It is absolutely nuts, and companies like Google refuse to let people like myself claim our own email addresses.
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> I've always presumed email was the most stable global identifier for a user, but that assumption appears to be wrong.
It might be the most stable, but that doesn't mean you can assume that it's at all stable.
Also, email addresses can't be assumed to uniquely identify a single person -- lots of people share email accounts with others.
The subject identifier, "sub".
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Curious to hear answers to this too. People forget usernames and that alone would lead to drop off. People are also reluctant to give out phone nos. which is anyway a terrible identifier and has the same issues as email.
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I disagree with GP. I think email is generally a solid identifier, and would be curious to know why they needed to change theirs.
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I can't agree. This guidance just pushes responsibility down onto application developers and I would expect most of them to either do nothing or implement guidance inconsistently.
The right thing here is to offer APIs that fit the needs of the applications that will use them with as little extra responsibility as possible.
In this case, I'd have hoped that Google would set email_verified to false so that applications (or downstream IDPs) would know that they had to do extra verification.
The OIDC spec does provide a stable identifier, and Google implements it properly. My Google Workspace address will always be verified, so your solution doesn’t apply. Changing my email address at Google itself won’t unverify it. Also, you’re still relying on developers to read the docs and properly implement the spec.
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Why is it even possible to create a new Google account with an email like 'user+suffix@domain' if 'user@domain' is already handled by google's mail servers and thus applies the plus-routing rules? Even in the non-exploity case that seems like a great way to create confusing mail setups.
A domain can freely move between mail servers. Google has a specific handling for a+b@domain.com, other servers might not. At the end of the day they are two unique email addresses, and that's how they should be treated across the internet.
I think this aliasing feature is too complex for its own good. Especially at Google's scale.
> user+suffix@domain
It's even worse than that. At least the +XYZ is specified in the email rfc. Google has decided even further that periods in the name also go to the cononical email. ie hi.my.name@google.com is equal to himyname@google.com and routes all emails to the second.
Another fun one is upper case vs lower case. I’ve been bitten by systems that are case sensitive, while the rest of the email world mostly is not.
I could swear I at least once received an email that was sent to myname.mydomain@gmail.com or something similar in my myname@mydomain email. It's been several years but I remember thinking that was fucked up and looking into the full email to see if there was any other explanation for me receiving it, which I did not find.
Google (and most email providers) also treat the user portion as case-insensitive.
Because of how old and legacy googles authorization system is. A “Google account” is just a string.
> I remember being surprised to learn that Microsoft would send Email claims that were not created or validated by Microsoft, and that the email claim in general was not considered reliable.
> This was counter-intuitive to me, because I had thought the entire purpose of OIDC was to establish reliable identity via a 3rd party like Microsoft.
That might have been the original intent, but I find it very useful that OIDC can be more flexible. For example, I run a free login provider[0], and it works by validating an identity with a 4th party identity provider (IdP) either with upstream OIDC or direct email, and creating a privacy screen between the app and that IdP (ie so Google can't track every app you're logging into). The fact that you can bring your own email to Google means you can get the security and UX of Google OIDC with the privacy of email + password, with the huge caveat that now you have to trust LastLogin instead of Google. But we're working on protocols to reduce that dependence.
> Google’s documentation in fact warned against using Email as an identifier
I completely disagree with Google on this. Email is the only truly federated identity that people actually use. Until we have something better widely deployed (and there are some promising alternatives in the works), I believe email addresses should be treated as identities.
[0]: https://lastlogin.io
> I believe email addresses should be treated as identities.
No, for two reasons:
Outside of the western world, phones are more common than computers and easier UIs in general so a phone number is more likely to be their identity.
In addition, that means you're completely handing off your identity to your email provider. Considering many - looking at you google - are faceless organizations that can and will shut down your access without notice or appeal, you could lose everything.
Background: I launched Okta's OAuth and OIDC products, put together LinkedIn's courses on the same, and doing it again at Pangea Cyber.
> Outside of the western world, phones are more common than computers and easier UIs in general so a phone number is more likely to be their identity.
When I worked at Stripe, we found that far more people lost access to phone numbers than email addresses. And the reason is simple: if you can't pay your phone bill, you lose your phone number.
While going through support tickets to tabulate which auth issues we should focus on, I came across one person who had a Stripe balance that they needed to feed their kid. But they couldn't log in because they couldn't pay their phone bill and had lost their number. The very fine support folks got the situation resolved with other identity checks, but it was a huge wakeup call.
You simply _cannot_ use an identifier that requires ongoing payment for identity purposes. You and I are probably privileged enough to never have to worry about this, but everyone who falls below the lower middle class is entirely vulnerable to losing _everything_ this way.
> you're completely handing off your identity to your email provider. Considering many - looking at you google - are faceless organizations that can and will shut down your access without notice or appeal, you could lose everything.
Versus handing off your phone number to organizations that routinely get socially engineered to transfer phone numbers. This is such a common attack that my mom knows about it. Ironically, the facelessness of most email providers also protects you from having your identity yoinked out from under you by one of their staff: I don't personally know a single person whose had their email turned off as a result of social engineering.
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Unless you're using PKC, you're completely handing off your identity to someone. The question is what's your threat model for having your identity taken from you. For me I've decided I trust DNS, because if it fails we probably have bigger problems. So email on a custom domain is as strong an identity as I require. I see a Gmail account as good enough for most people, but not for me personally.
Ideally I would like to see people hosting their own IdP servers from their laptops at home over something like ngrok but e2ee, but we have a ways to go for that.
Aside: given your background at Okta and ngrok, we have a lot of overlapping work. I'm curious of your thoughts on my LastLogin.io project?
Sadly more and more countries require mobile service providers to check identity of the user before providing a phone number. Not everyone wants to be easily identifiable IRL. Meanwhile, unique e-mail addresses are available by anyone without proof of identity.
And the goal more often is to identify a unique user, not have a user that can be traced back to real life.
> I believe email addresses should be treated as identities.
Because nobody ever shares an email address, and email is super secure
We can wait forever or we can begin building the solution
Sharing email identities is a reasonable way to give group access to a resource.
And solutions are being built. The mission of LastLogin is to accelerate this.
There's an important difference between email as an identifier in your own system, versus email as an identifier for a linked Google account. I agree with you that email works okay as an identity within a system you control, but agree with Google that it's a terrible way of linking with an external system: ephemeral, potentially tied to multiple accounts (!), and pointless when you've got an actual ID to use instead.
That's fair. I'm coming at this from the perspective that using Google SSO is great for UX, but a bad idea for privacy and vendor lock-in reasons.
I built LastLogin.io to provide the SSO UX without sacrificing privacy and to eventually move towards better protocols for user-controlled identity
I think it would be really great if you could compare/contrast LastLogin with Dex. Especially given they're both Go. Just curious if you evaluated dex, etc.
Also toyed with... Portier (nee Mozilla Persona). But ultimately dealing with this email normalization seemed like a losing/hard battle. And I mostly accepted that I'll likely die before a good solution is pioneered here and have refocus attention elsewhere. :/
See the table here: https://github.com/lastlogin-io/obligator#comparison-is-the-...
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Is this really a Google OAuth issue, or more failure my many service providers to properly verify the OAuth token assertions before allowing access? Seems to me the latter.
It sounds like the issue is that these service providers are obeying Google's aliasing rules, but also ignoring the fact that you shouldn't be using email as a primary identifier [1]? It's funny, if they had adhered to the spec more they'd be fine; but if they adheredess and treated alias' as distinct emails, these platforms would at least be more secure.
[1] https://developers.google.com/identity/openid-connect/openid...
I believe OAuth is working as expected. It provides valid authentication/identity for email addresses because "user@domain" and "user+wildcard@domain" are still validated as email addresses "owned" by the user.
The issue is with the Google org website: admins cannot revoke credentials for accounts/emails they cannot see.
> Because these non-Gmail Google accounts aren’t actually a member of the Google organization, they won’t show up in any administrator settings, or user Google lists.
> Following this flow, you can create a Google account using a support ticket email address, potentially view the contents of the ticket to finish the account creation, and start using the support email address to Oauth into stuff.
That could impact lots of small companies.
My main takeaway from this is that web authentication is still a horrible mess.
…because people don’t read the docs and instead just assume that it works how they think it should.
Have you seen the oauth docs? I can’t imagine anyone having read and understood them fully, unless you dedicate your life to it.
Half of it I think is because people take "basic auth" offered by web framework, and then try to retrofit OAuth/OIDC/SSO on top of it.
If so many people are making the same mistakes, it’s your fault, not the users.
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This is why login is a horrid mess. Because if it's too easy then people who don't know what they are doing set up websites.
When some people ask why most of us sane and practical folks still use and demand simple password authentication, it's because passwords fucking work.
I'm still firmly in the mutual TLS camp. Nothing is easier then never having to type in a password and good luck cracking TLS.
So much this. OAuth and their ilk are, in my opinion, not trustable and suffer from real usability issues.
The OIDC spec tells you that you must not to use e-mail as a unique identifier. You must use the 'iss' and 'sub' fields as username in your application.
Why? Well, for a start, it's obvious that user e-mail addresses can be re-used. If you've got a contractor working for Business A and Business B, both who create a user account in their authentication service for them, then as a SaaS platform, you can't match their e-mail address to a single B2B customer.
Secondly, there's the really obvious thing that e-mail addresses change. Businesses get bought, change name, go through mergers, etc. etc., and people's names change too (marriage, divorce, because they feel like it).
I found implementing SSO to be really challenging for a start-up. Getting it correct is hard, and you need to have a good understanding of the general concepts and OIDC and OAuth2 before trying to put it into use. Auth0 have a good book. If you don't understand this, then you'll probably end up doing something like implementing password grant auth everywhere and leave your application insecure.
Sometimes reading articles like these are a good well to alleviate any accumulating imposter syndrome. "Oh, I'm interfacing with a third party system for something that represents an abstract actor. it better have a stable, non-stringy reliable identifier". And yes, the spec is very clear about this, beyond just basic considerations of building a remotely robust system.
A microcosm. There is no such thing as OAuth2. OAuth2 is just a way for megacorps to implement their own arbitrary/proprietary auth systems. It is a toolkit for making auth systems, not an auth system. So we end up in a world where oauth2 was supposed to be a standard, but instead every megacorp has their own incompatible implementation. And sure, people will dev for the megacorp use cases... but that just means the "standard" is now whatever google does/etc.
And they all have their own little bugs like this. We should go back to oauth1. It was a real standard. Not a toolkit for making standards.
I wouldn't really call this a bug, more like an unfortunate side effect of combining these particular components: domain names that can change ownership, BYO email (as backup email & email provenance), the liberal allowance of plus-aliases (which I'm sure someone somewhere is claiming a business need or they would have killed it long ago), and service implementers not reading the documentation (or largely copying solutions from a video or example with cut corners for brevity/simplicity, likely to facilitate its easy consumption).
If I were designing a circuit with a few PCB components and needed to introduce resistors and transistors as appropriate for the voltage and current needs of the device .. would you expect me to read the data sheet or just guess it from a simpler example and run with it? In a lot of cases the circuit would still work, or it would after a few bench tests and a bit of probing. But maybe it wouldn't be as efficient and a component would short out leading to low MTF and sad customers. Worst case scenario maybe combusting batteries and real harm. Now ask yourself, is it really the PCB modules' manufacturers fault that the device fails prematurely? Or is the device manufacturer the one responsible for reading the data sheet?
I don't typically hold all software to such rigorous expectations but when it deals with authentication and authorization I would expect service owners to be thorough.
TFA even says that the issue doesn't exist if the docs are followed. Alphabet did at least acknowledge there's a weakness there by granting the bounty, maybe they'll provide some controls for company administrators to allowlist/rejectlist plus-aliases or nonexistent roles, or maybe restrict the migration of Apps-affiliated emails to non-org claims? (My guess is they're measuring the impact of this, or prioritizing the measurement of impact, where priority is low because it is a problem with clients that assume email claims are more authoritative and permanent than they actually are).
I suppose the definition of "bug" depends a lot on the definition of "expected" and who's expecting, but I would assert it is not a deviation from intended behavior, at least, and not unexpected to those who grokked the docs.
Is cross-provider compatibility related to this article about the security of Google OAuth2?
What am I missing here? Outside of the support system/zendesk and unattended old domain methods identified I can't make a new Google account for whatever@mydomain.com without being asked to verify it - so what's the real likelihood of abuse?
The idea is that you do this in advance, at a time when you have legitimate access, then you later lose that access.
So say you have a egamirorrim@mydomain.com google account legitimately. You can use an alias like egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com to create a new google account with a verified email address, resulting in "log in with google" google sending an email claim egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com.
Then, later, mydomain.com fires you. You can no longer log in with the real egamirorrim@mydomain.com associated account, as it was disabled by an administrator. However you can still log into the new google account, egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com , since it's not associated with your organization.
The thing is, afaict this then only becomes a problem if the provider is doing authz based exclusively off of the email claim. I've used OIDC in the past and you are not supposed to grant access to resources based on parsing text in email addresses claim!
I can understand why the blog post author found this counterintuitive, but as they note the docs even warn against doing this.
The blog post goes on to make this statement:
> Most of the service providers I tested did not use HD, they used the email claim.
... OK, well what are they "using" it for? Does this trick actually work on any real world services? If so, I would like for them to be named and shamed.
Even if you (erroneously) assume this value is unique and immutable, that alone doesn't necessarily grant access to anything in and of itself.
Perhaps my assumption is faulty. If an email is sent to egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com it would go to egamirorrim@mydomain.com which you no longer have access to. Do you simply never again need to receive an email at egamirorrim+woopsie@mydomain.com?
> October 5th- Google paid $1337 for the issue
love the tongue-and-cheek "leet" amount of 1337
Well the best solution is basically to allow the creation of the account but keep it deactivated so that a human needs to check it. That at least works for things like gitlab or other things were an Organisation signs up. The problem of the hd claim is actually not one since you need to validate your domain and if your a saas provider that is b2b only that’s ok. Microsoft is even worst tough, where you need a different claim than email, depending on what you are doing. (UPN)
I may or may have not used a version of this to sign up for multiple free trials - for multiple products.
sign up johndoe@gmail.com then next time johndoe+1@gmail.com then +2 ad infinitum
This is a feature, not a bug. Anyway, what is to stop someone who owns a domain from doing this with actual forwards to do this sort of ban evasion?
I'm struggling to understand how to reproduce this.
I have a Google Workspace organization: org.com
I create a new user: sneed@org.com
Where/when/how is the sneed+alias@org.com created? How is the user sneed@org.com doing this if they don't have administrative access to organization management?
Just try it, google will merrily redirect all emails to a+b@org.com to a@org.com. To answer your questions:
> Where/when/how is the sneed+alias@org.com created?
Where: in gmail's alias list
When: at account creation
How: gmail/gw redirect everything of the form abc+xyz@domain to abc@domain
> How is the user sneed@org.com doing this if they don't have administrative access to organization management?
The user isn't doing anything, it's a "feature" of google mail.
Using emails like this is usually found during pen tests. Not Googles fault I would say even though I think OAuth is overly complicated. This is along the line of sending secrets in the token. Tokens are signed, not encrypted.
I use OAuth2 all the time. And I don't understand the conflation of email and OAuth2 being discussed in that article. With Google's OAuth2, I can get the user's email - but so what? I have no need for it and I never use it.
"Because these non-Gmail Google accounts aren’t actually a member of the Google organization, they won’t show up in any administrator settings, or user Google lists."
I don't understand that statement either. They do show up. Now of course the org could choose to not do anything to manage the access of those users - which is common enough. I made a tool used by some of my larger clients to a) get reports of users and their permissions (available via Google's APIs) and b) batch delete those user permissions.
Anyone else unable to access what I assume are supposed to links for the centred bits of text throughout that article? I had a hard time understanding parts of it...
Turns out, once I got to read it on desktop machine, they weren't links at all but captions for images that weren't showing for me on mobile.
Not that I am being vain (though I actually am), but how's that my post of the same link 4 days ago got just one upvote? :)
Whether or not a link gets any attention here depends on a lot of things aside from the link itself. For instance, if it happens to hit the front page at the same time as something else that is drawing everyone's attention then it may simply go unnoticed.
Also, although this isn't the case here, if it's just a link without a description or some sort of commentary explaining why the link is of interest, it may not get the traction you'd expect.
What's the actual vulnerability? Steps to reproduce?
> * August 7th - The issue was triaged
> * October 5th - Google paid $1337 for the issue
Is it just me or does it seem a bit odd that payout after triage took almost two full months? Initially I was positively surprised that they came up with a triage verdict within 2-3 days but what's the deal with the payout coming so late?
Not sure about Google VRP, but I've gotten multiple payouts from Chrome over the years and I believe there's a schedule. The rewards panel meets every x weeks in order to award payouts on qualifying reports. Almost no bug bounty programs pay upon triage by the way, they pay after resolution.
I run a bug bounty program and I pay upon successful triage: while our engineering teams do have security SLA’s, it’s not fair to whomever reported the vulnerability to wait for our (sometimes broken) processes in order to be paid.
It's pretty normal for large companies to take ages to pay up. The real problem here is this major bug only elicited a token $1337 payment.
> The real problem here is this major bug only elicited a token $1337 payment.
Yeah, definitely should have had a higher payout.
Is it just me that feels $1337 is an insult? FAANG pays way too low bounties for this kind of stuff. This kind of info would be much more valuable on the black market.
To be clear, the information shows a rogue employee how to create accounts in third-party apps (Slack, Zoom, etc.) that won't be automatically deleted when the employee is terminated. I'd love to hear why you think this information would be "much more valuable" than $1337 on the black market as that is not obvious to me.
Also, if anyone should be paying bounties, it's the third-party apps, since they're the ones which are vulnerable. I'm impressed Google is paying a bounty just for pointing out a footgun. I would probably not have bothered reporting this to Google if I had found it; $1337 would be more of a pleasant surprise to me than an "insult".
In fact I'd argue that Google paying a bug bounty for something that is well-defined and documented behavior and will never be "fixed" actually undermines the program.
> Because these non-Gmail Google accounts aren’t actually a member of the Google organization, they won’t show up in any administrator settings, or user Google lists.
That's why. This bug allows an attacker to retain access to various accounts attached to an already-compromised company or employee of the company. Not only that, but the retention is completely invisible to the account administrators.
Needing the same level of access that an employee has in order to utilize it doesn't make it less valuable. There are plenty of valuable bugs that can only be utilized from specific positions. Consider how many hacks have happened because an employee's devices or accounts were compromised, rather than some server system that no one individual owns. The recent Okta hack happened that way.
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Buy why should Google pay them at all? One of the first screenshots of their documentation says you shouldn't trust the email claim, so they're obviously aware of this issue. The problem is third parties using Google's OAuth incorrectly. If anything, Slack/Zoom/etc should be paying.
Nope, I'm with you. Based on the quick blurb about what the vuln way, $1337 is an absolutely steal for Google. Paying for a team or outside pentesters to attempt to find this would be _way_ more expensive.
> Paying for a team or outside pentesters to attempt to find this would be _way_ more expensive.
But doesn't Google have teams of internal pentesters already? You could hire dozens of external companies and they might not find it.
This system is a "no cure, no pay" approach. I do think they should have paid the reporter a lot more though.
It’s essentially 0 as far as they’re concerned.
Especially when Microsoft paid out about 75k for essentially the same issue.
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From a practical perspective, they probably should "match" what black market values these exploits, and I surely wish they can give much higher bounties in general (and they for sure can afford!), but I don't think they ethnically need to (so it's not an insult in my view).
Turning these exploits/vulnerabilities to black market is not only immoral but also highly illegal, so the "value" is inflated due to these "risk" factors. You can't really expect the same from the affected company themselves.
It's like saying if you found a lost item and you ask a large sum from the owner when you return it, because "I can get much more if I choose to just sell it on the street".
> Turning these exploits/vulnerabilities to black market is not only immoral but also highly illegal
I assumed 'black market' here means irresponsible disclosure, which there are many sites operating legally (Zerodium being a prime example)
Who are the customers? Theoretically nation-state actors, but do we really know? Either way, you're selling the vulnerability to a private party. To my knowledge, selling knowledge of an exploit to almost anyone is legal (unless it could be classified treason or a threat to national security or something).
As is publishing the security research after responsibly disclosing (as the blog author did here), though we've had to fight pretty hard to get to the point where warning people of threats to their digital safety (often because companies are too lazy to protect their users) is generally understood to be legal.
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If you pay too much in bounties, you risk having your own red-team employees leave so that they can report bugs externally and get paid much more via bounties.
Could at least have been $31337.
Google hasn't fixed it, so it seems they really don't value this info.
Per the article, Google fixed it, but only for google.com accounts.
Might this be because to be actually vulnerable a company needs to have the ticketing-like system in a sort-of unsafe setup?
Eh depends on if the person is financially stable. The tongue and cheek number may stand out stronger on a resume.
"Is it just me that feels $1337 is an insult?"
Y0U 4R3N7 31173 3N0U6H 70 C47CH 7H3 R3F3R3NC3
So you're saying it's a joke on multiple levels.
They could have given them $313373 or at least $31337 instead.
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I'd certainly try to sell the exploit to someone else instead.
> Today I’m publicizing a Google OAuth vulnerability that allows employees at companies to retain indefinite access to applications like Slack and Zoom, after they’re off-boarded and removed from their company’s Google organization. The vulnerability is easy for a non-technical audience to understand and exploit.
> October 5th- Google paid $1337 for the issue
Is that a joke? Does Google really value security so low?
If i read the post right, the behaviour in question was already mentioned in the docs before they reported this. I'm more surprised they got any money instead of a "its a feature not a bug" response.
Exactly. They paid for a detailed example they can point to of why one should follow the docs. Lot cheaper than a tech writer.