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Comment by k33n

1 year ago

Ironically, it is the Trump supporting types that seem to really enjoy explaining their positions. Left wingers cannot handle being pressed hard -- particularly in a corporate setting -- about things like DEI and other matters they are unwilling to cede.

Press me as hard as you want! I can defend my positions easily and without getting emotional.

There are entire communities and prominent influencers on every platform specifically dedicated to explaining leftist positions, just as there are on the right.

It turns out a lot of people love debating on the internet.

The mistake here is in casting left-wingers as the alternative to Trump, when Trump is so far beyond the right-wing event horizon that even Reagan-era republicans would oppose him. Please understand that the world is not so simple as left vs. right.

  • Fascinating perspective -- given that I completely disagree. Trump is not right wing by any historic metric. He shouts a lot. That's the only thing he has in common with "fascist dictators". His policies are not conservative. Dude spent like it was going out of style.

    • At the risk of repeating myself, please understand that the world is not so simple as left vs. right. "Conservativism" is irrelevant as an ideology, since it's now just a hollowed-out husk that has been adopted by authoritarian extremists in an attempt to deflect from criticisms of their authoritarian nature. And Trump is an authoritarian to the core.