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Comment by atticora

1 year ago

Ackman went after Gay for permitting Harvard antisemitism, which didn't get her removed. Others went after her for plagiarism, which led to her resignation. So other others went after Ackman's wife for plagiarism as a way to hurt the others. Ackman declared that family was out of bounds and that he will retaliate by doing a plagiarism review of the whole MIT faculty and the journalists who went after his wife.

If this conflagration continues ... it may have a positive effect on reducing plagiarism. But since LLMs can easily reword text, the plagiarism wars are more about the past than the future. Because now the plagiarism of concepts rather than phrases is cheap and easy and far less detectable.

Perhaps plagiarism review can move to detection of shared sequences of concepts rather than words.

oh wait do people really think gay's resignation is about plagiarism? (this is why i try to avoid culture war stuff)