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Comment by tourmalinetaco

1 year ago

Is it really upstream of the water source, or is it its own lake that sometimes, but not often, runs off into the water supply?

The mainstream idea is that Twitter is important, but I haven’t seen much reason to agree. Most apps that rely on it could be served with an RSS feed. Most people I’ve met don’t use Twitter to any measurable degree. The amount of real world change the service has brought is rather low given how often it appears in mainstream media. In fact I see TikTok do more to influence and promote.

i don't think you realize how much culture moves on twitter. regardless of your personal opinion and your selection bias of nobody in your friend group using it. so much happens on twitter, still, even after elon musk has driven folks off of it.

  • For people who give two F*s about Twitter.

    The rest of the world keeps revolving.

    • i don't care about twitter. my argument is that it's still an important part of our internet culture. caring about the platform != thinking it's a platform that shapes mainstream culture. the rest of the world keeps revolving while incorporating bits of culture or "discourse" or whatever from the twitter, without realizing it.

      it's similar to tiktok. you likely don't realize you're seeing something only because it originated from tiktok or twitter. if the daily news is still regularly reporting about things that happen on twitter, then i'd say it's still an important platform.