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Comment by kelseyfrog

1 year ago

The point I was making is that leftists gate-keep participation by requiring reading and self-acknowledges this. That seems at odds to the notion that leftists are spoon-fed. How do you reconcile this?

I'm sure they "self-acknowledge" that their ideas are very complex. It's something I've seen leftists claim time and again. Their ideas are quite simple and flimsy from my POV.

IME, nothing impressive there. If only they'd read some Sowell instead of headlines on Reddit.

  • Exactly how much time have you spent in leftist spaces?

    From what I observe they seem to be riddled with bookclub after bookclub so much so that it prevents them from doing anything at all.

    • What is a "leftist space"? I go wherever I want and stay however long I choose.

      If you're spending a lot of time with those people and finding value in what they're saying then keep doing it. Do whatever makes you happy.