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Comment by wolverine876

1 year ago

What if there is pressure from bosses, from outsiders, socially. What if they say, 'are you supporting terrorists?'

Honest answer?

You work at one of these companies for enough years and someone will accuse you of supporting terrorists eventually.

What you learn working for a multinational corporation is that as an international community, people don't agree on much. Including definitions of "terrorism," fairness, geopolitical borders, or the law.

It's a weird feeling. If you ever wonder how companies can stray so far from "obvious" morality... That's how. Things get a lot less obvious when you're in the position that everyone has an opinion and the opinions often conflict.

So to answer your question more directly... It doesn't take long for outsiders accusing you of supporting terrorism to be met (if only in your own internal filters) with "Oh you have a problem with my approach? Get in line."

(On the flip side, a lot of the training for people acting in that capacity in a big corp is how not to get phished. When you are in the front-line of moderation / customer interaction / etc., bad actors will attempt to use you to compromise third parties. There's a reason there are formal processes for dealing with law enforcement, for example).

  • > If you ever wonder how companies can stray so far from "obvious" morality... That's how.

    I don't generally disagree with your point, but I suspect the relentless pursuit of profit above all other values figures more relevant to this narrative than cultural drift.