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Comment by topspin

1 year ago

Hard not to see these recent stories about backchannel deplatforming and social media accounts getting accidentally-ed and not recall the warnings that this behavior won't stop with just the people/views you prefer not to see. It was all great fun when "election deniers" and lab leak "conspiracy" theorists were getting ban hammered right and left. But now we're where you were told we'd get, and the righteous defenders of establishment narrative have you in the crosshairs.

In the long run, anyone who thinks for themselves will eventually be on the "wrong side" of an issue, and the people who copy the leaders, even when the leaders change, remain "right" through all of them. See also: the huge number of brilliant intellectuals burnt to death by the Church because they applied the principle of making up their own minds about stuff to religion. That means, if there is a policy of "burning" people who are "wrong," it will eventually catch every free thinker.