Comment by shkkmo
1 year ago
> What is all this based on?
Supreme court precedents and the law. I've provided several of the relevant cases
> Imagine how many people write falsehoods about Biden with clear, actual, malice! Biden cannot sue them (in a meaningful sense).
The main reason that it would be difficult to win those cases is that as a public figure Biden would have to show "actual malice" for each person he sued regardless of if that person was a journalist or not.
In practice, the expected value if suing a large number of people with limited media reach is generally not worth it, but that has nothing to do with the constitution.
Where being a journalist might help is that media shield laws, depending on the state, could allow the journalist to protect their sources from discovery once they've veen sued.
What I mean is, are you lawyer in this field? Did you read a book about it (what book)?
I see things that are clearly wrong afaik (unless I misunderstand you), and others I don't know about. So I'm wondering what the source is. I can cite cases too, but I really don't have expertise.
> I see things that are clearly wrong afail
Then point those things out and cite some resources or cases that support your claims.
> I can cite cases too, but I really don't have expertise.
Well, that would at least be better than just saying "you're wrong" over and over with no evidence.