Comment by khaledh
1 year ago
My son has a severe intellectual disability, he's non verbal, still wears diapers (age 12), and requires assistance in almost every aspect of his life. I still remember the day we received his diagnosis 9 years ago. The word "devastating" can only describe a small part of what we felt. Today, I consider him a gift from God. He made everything fall into perspective. His purity and unconditional love brings us tremendous joy, even though the physical and mental aspects of caring for him can be tiresome sometimes.
I know how it feels when calamity hits. It's ugly. But with, time it gets easier. Hang in there, and know that you're not alone.
My son turned 18 this week, and his condition is similar, with additional physical limitations (severe CP via PVL)
Parenting him has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but there have also been moments of joy.
Hang in there, take care of yourself, and get as much help as you can. Being a carer is a huge job.
I wrote a little here:
What a beautiful young man <3 God bless him. Thank you. I know there are many parents out there going through the same circumstances. It's always heartwarming to see this kind of solidarity and support. It does help.
Thank you for your kind words, I agree that he was such a beautiful child.
I've been reflecting on all the good things about him this week, and one thing I realized today is that because he was so small, I would still pick him up and carry him around as a 10 to 12 year old sometimes. That's something other parents could only do with their children for a much shorter time, and I appreciate now that that was something special about our time together.
Hi Don - I don't know you but I feel like I do now. And your son as well. Thank you for sharing that tweet.
God bless you and your family Don.