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Comment by ignoramous

1 year ago

> Israel does not arbitrarily kill people

It has: https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200203_trigge... (2002). It probably (orgs yet to verify) still does: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/... (2023)

> The IDF, Netanyahu, and other leaders

Pray tell, what are the Minister for National Security and Minister of Finance calling for?

As for everyone else, here are the receipts: https://twitter.com/KintsugiMuslim/status/174301442945995164...

> I've donated more to Palestinian causes than you or almost anyone on the thread has.

It is solidarity that is in short supply.

> They go in and risk their soldiers to get terrorists, of which there are many.

Of course. All 2m of them at some point must be killed or punished because terrorists: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/... Oh, and the violent Settlers... They are "security", too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duma_arson_attack No one mistake them for terrorists, please.

> encourage you to browse Israeli media

I mean, they've been calling for genocide since ever: When Genocide is Permissible, Times of Israel (opinion, 2014), https://archive.is/EuUdc

> The same thing happens in every war, including US wars. Remember Abu Ghraib?

One crime doesn't excuse another. Genocide has also happened, as has ethnic cleansing. Those are not the Pandora's Box the World wants to open again, and rightly so.