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Comment by charred_patina

1 year ago

A common sentiment I have heard in the US is that "TikTok causes antisemitism".

What I believe is actually happening is that TikTok debunks a lot of Hasbara talking points about the Israeli occupation of palestine (because people can see the violence with their own eyes), but then people are not educated further about the nuances of Zionism and Judaism, the different political movements within Israel like Gush Emunim and how they are not related to Judaism at large.

Because Israel has so successfully conflated Zionism (a political movement) with Judaism (a religious one), it increases the possibility that when westerners stop supporting Israel they can adopt antisemitic viewpoints.

> when westerners stop supporting Israel they adopt antisemitic viewpoints.

That is very definately not a given. There are many, a majority I hope, of "westerners" who oppose the actions of the state of Israel without becoming anti semetic

  • Not all, sorry I should have qualified that statement. I was just trying to point out that when Israel claims that it stands for all jews, it can backfire and actually end up causing more antisemitism. I have added some qualifying statements.


  • There is disinformation on TikTok. There are white supremacists and antisemites that take every Israeli conflict as an opportunity to spread their hate. This is true.

    What is also true is that you can clearly see Israel conducting a genocide live, while every news outlet in the west denies it or justifies it.

    I am not talking about fake news, I am talking about citizen journalists, footage of children who have been pulled out of rubble. Footage of leaflets dropped on a column of refugees. The civilian death tolls that the US confirms themselves. The harder Israel denies their atrocities, the stronger the backlash becomes when people see the truth with their own eyes.

    Israel's far right and Netanyahu bear a huge amount of blame for the rise of antisemitism, because they point to these atrocities and say "this is what Jewish people globally stand for".


    • Are you sure you can see this genocide? Remember when there was footage of Israeli bulldozers crushing people and it turned out to be footage of Egypt from 2014? Just because some social media account says what you’re seeing is the truth doesn’t make it so.

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