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Comment by nickff

1 year ago

Which other international conflicts has China resolved? The current Chinese state seems to be much better at fostering conflict (I.e. the ongoing Korean War) than resolving it.

So far, not much. Gaza is a good place to start. China wants more influence in the Middle East, and already owns or operates a large number of ports outside China.[1] Israel blockades the existing ports of Gaza. A China-run port in Gaza, protected by the PLAN, is a possibility.

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2023/china-...

  • > Gaza is a good place to start.

    This made me chuckle :-) "Let's dip our toes into solving international conflicts with an easy one, like the Israeli / Palestine conflict!"

    • It's laughable, but if China solved this problem they'd be voted the world's cop over the USA overnight

  • That assumes that Israel would allow a China-run port in Gaza, which is no guarantee.

    • It also assumes that the _US_ would allow a China-run port in Israel, which is so unlikely it might as well be impossible. Israel is a nuclear weapons state and such a close US ally that they basically have their own F-35 fighter jet variant.

      This would NEVER happen.

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