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Comment by shmatt

1 year ago


I don’t love Trump, but there’s no denying there was far less war, and especially US-funded war, when he was in office. Ukraine-Russia massively escalated as soon as someone in the pocket of the military industrial complex got put in power, as Putin knew it would, and Israel followed suit soon after.

  • I find it hard to believe there’s correlation between the beginnings of Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas and who the US president is.

    If anything, Russia and Hamas are each less likely to spark each conflict (in the specific sense of invading Ukraine and 7 October, not the preconditions) knowing that the US is more likely to provide arms to Ukraine and Israel.

    • Considering Hamas' plan all along was to martyrize the Gaza population by feeding it to the lions, subsequently sabotaging Israel's relations with its neighbors and the global community, it does make sense they decided to provoke a war during Biden's term, a very outspoken zionist.

    • But Israel is far more likely to want conflict to occur. Evidence of such desire would take the form of ignoring intel from international community stating that an attack was planned, and allowing human-sized slow moving targets to pass through the air defense systems unassailed.

I'm not sure what I will do, but I'm not voting for Trump either way.

There is a lot written about civil disobedience through not partaking in electoral politics, and that's _likely_ the direction I'm going to go if Biden does not change his tone (and hopefully actually do a proper apology for his actions so far).

This sucks, and I'll participate in local and even congressional elections, but for president I can not really find myself voting for Biden. I do not expect myself to agree 100% with any candidate, but there are certain red-lines that a candidate can not cross. I have a few of those, being anti-abortion is not something I can tolerate in any candidate. Being pro-mass-killing-looking-like-genocide is also one. I suspect this feeling is not unique to me.

Biden apparently wants to lose. Watch every single campaign event be protested (many protesters are Jews). Yeah, that's definitely going to lower turnout on the DEM side.

Biden is not only going to lose, Trump might even get a trifecta.

  • I'm not sure the protestors will be a net negative, lots of people protested trump in 2016 and them getting thrown out only encouraged his base. If you watch the videos of the Biden interruptions the crowd stays firmly on Biden's side.

    Biden's issues at the moment are that economic sentiment is a lagging indicator of some variables that have only recently recovered to their normal values (inflation etc.). If these issues fix themselves we will have a better sense of whether Israel-Hamas War has meaningfully impacted him.

Calling it a Muslim ban is pretty disingenuous, and always was. The ban left out some very large Muslim countries, such as Indonesia and Pakistan for example.

  • He campaigned on banning Muslims. He then tried three different times to ban a large amount of Muslims. He regularly denigrates Muslims and blames them for our problems. According to his own people, he wanted to ban Muslims and wanted a fig-leaf to do it legally [1].

    This kinda comes down to a case of who are you going to believe, a notorious fraudster and conman or your own lying eyes?

    [1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/29/tr...