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Comment by jeswin

1 year ago

> SA does not really present itself as an earnest or true actor in the sphere oh human rights.

If Putin is arrested in a foreign country, you'll have the largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world staring down at the very existence of that nation. No country would do this, however earnest they may be about human rights. Neither will it be fair to expect anyone to do this.

> If Putin is arrested in a foreign country, you'll have the largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world staring down at the very existence of that nation

Eh, or not. Putin isn’t Russia. Depending on timing, it might be a convenient time for a change in government. They could then demand his remittance, where he would no doubt get lost along the way or have a change of heart about his place in public policy.

That said, the prudent thing to do is that which was done. Barring Putin from entering South Africa.

"you'll have the largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world staring down at the very existence of that nation"

Do you really think that Russian government and military would kill in cold blood tens of millions of people over Putin's fate?

Besides, they would be too busy jockeying for power after Putin is out of the game.

  • So you want to play a game of Russian roulette? If you and your kind are the only potential victims I'd say go for it. Otherwise thanks but no.

    • My point is that no game of Russian roulette would be played in this case.

      "If you and your kind are the only potential victims I'd say go for it."

      That's a lot of hate towards me and 'my kind'.

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