Comment by throwaway421967
1 year ago
- Israel's own numbers say "2 civilians killed for every one militant"[1], that's 66%
- 766 / 1200 = 63.8%
Of course, the numbers claimed by other NGOs / UN make it worse. But Israel's numbers are sufficient to make that claim.
[1] -
Hamas can't go toe-to-toe with the IDF. They are hiding in tunnels and among civilians, so these ratios aren't surprising.
To some extent, you can't blame Hamas for these tactics. They would quickly lose a conventional war. At the same time, if you have zero chance of winning a military victory, perhaps you shouldn't use violence to pursue your political goals...
Yes right, if israel is unable to fight conventional war, without massive disproportional amount of civil casualties, they should not probably engage in one.
Looking at the historical data, that tends to be a pattern of urban warfare, not the IDF.
Civilian/combatant fatality ratios of 3/1 are not uncommon in urban warfare.
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That wasn't their choice ...
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Then they shouldn’t. That’s the simple answer of it. If they want to get rid of Hamas they will need to find another way. This level of civilian casualty is unacceptable. And as proven by the ICJ decision, it is not accepted.