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Comment by Aunche

1 year ago

> I am so deeply disappointed in the Biden administration here.

What do you expect him to do? With or without any assistance, Israel has more than enough weapons completely annihilate Gaza. Don't forget that they likely have nuclear capabilities. Israel believes they are demonstrating restraint and this restraint is the first thing to go if Israel feels like it's being backed into a corner.

I am not so sure. I believe Israel only exists by the mercy of support from their Allies. The minute they lose that support Israel is doomed. The country is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Sure their military could win a conventional war with their nukes against any of their neighbors. But on the long term a small country with a small population and limited natural resources needs friends to run an economy big enough to support the huge military it needs to defend itself. And Israel is running out of friends fast. Sympathy for Israel in the West is surely declining at lightning speed with the current situation, I would not be surprised if this conflict is the start of the end of the country

  • Israel seems to be optimizing for the short win at the cost of losing who they are.

    Granted Hamas attacked them first but their actions give Jews worldwide a bad rep.

    • What is nuts is that the Zionists have convinced everyone that that they speak for all Jews. I have so much respect for the activists in Israel that must face immense social and political pressure.

All the US has to do is: nothing. Stop sending over tank shells [1], Fighter jets and attack helicopters [2], deploying aircraft carriers [3] and stop vetoing UN Security Council resolutions trying to impose a ceasefire [4]

1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/09/biden-admini... 2. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-25/ty-article/.p... 3. https://www.voanews.com/a/us-aircraft-carrier-to-remain-in-m... 4. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-resolution...

>> Israel believes they are demonstrating restraint

From the section of the ICJ ruling dealing with dehumanizing language used by Israeli officials:

> "I have released all restraints . . . You saw what we are fighting against. We are fighting human animals"

-- Mr Yoav Gallant, Defence Minister of Israel

> What do you expect him to do?

At least as much as Ronald Regan: https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/08/12/A-shocked-and-outrag...