Comment by krainboltgreene
1 year ago
The state of israel agrees with and trust sthe numbers coming from Gaza:
1 year ago
The state of israel agrees with and trust sthe numbers coming from Gaza:
While their statistics are regarded as an accurate account of the total death toll, they make no distinction between civilian and combatant deaths. This is obviously a crucial shortcoming if we are trying to ascertain whether the number of civilian deaths are disproportionate to the military objectives.
If we go all 19th century and assert that all men over the age of 18 are combatants. Then we get 70% of the deaths are civilian, and 30% are combatants. However we know a large number of adult men killed in Gaza or not combatants, e.g. they are journalists, UN workers, poets, university professors, etc. So 66% civilians seems very likely to be a huge underestimate.
On the other hand “journalists” and UN workers aren’t disjoint from militants or terrorists. We just learned that UNRWA employees took part in Oct 7.
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