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Comment by nsguy

1 year ago

Yes, Israeli Arabs are fairly represented in the Knesset, and in the courts, and everywhere. They carry an Israeli passport and are treated the same way and have the same travel rights.

The people not treated the same are people that live in the occupied territories. The status of those territories has not been settled since 1967. I.e. the West Bank and Gaza. Israel accepts that those are occupied territories (it has not annexed them). The parties they were taken from (Jordan and Egypt) do not wish to take them back. So "Israel" proper does not discriminate against Arabs (broadly speaking) but the status of the occupied territories, that are under military rule, according to international law, is different.

EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#Politi...

According to international law, you have to adhere to local law in occupied territories, which Israel isn't doing.