Comment by hayst4ck
1 year ago
No. The fundamental flaw in this reasoning is the assumption that overwhelming victory is what established the current world order.
Rebuilding Europe via the Marshall plan, which involved humanization of individuals who fought on behalf of evil, is why there is peace in Europe. Likewise, the US reconstruction of Japan is why the US and Japan are at peace.
The US held the position of power and chose not to exercise it tyrannically. That is why there is peace.
The native American case is much closer to supporting your argument because genoicdal efforts were made against them and they were forced to submit, and then tyrannical power was exercised over them, maybe even to this day. However again, Native Americans participate in American civil society, there have been (probably insufficient) efforts for reparations, they do have land where they administer their own laws. In some locations native American heritage is celebrated and native American culture is promoted.
There is relative peace with native Americans because we are not particularly tyrannical, and I would say for the most part, modern Americans see Native Americans as humans not "savages."
Seeing your enemies as equally valid humans, who might have done things you would do if you grew up under their conditions, is what creates peace.
Peace is a function of humanization, not a function of victory. Victory without humanization does not end the cycle of violence.
The Marshall plan was only enacted after Germany and Japan had been reduced to rubble, had millions of their civilian population killed through indiscriminate bombing, including the use of two atom bombs, occupied, submit to total surrender, the entirety of their command structure executed, and their governments dismantled and replaced by the Allies.
I think you are skipping over quite a bit of human bloodshed and strife to get to the Marshall Plan.
To add on to that, there wasn’t an immediate rehabilitation. Many, many terrible things happened after the war that are kinda buried in history. See for example:
But overwhelming victory and unconditional surrender were the foundations for that reconstruction. There is really no way that peace could have been achieved with WWII Germany and Japan through giving money or diplomacy (Neville Chamberlain says hi). Once there was overwhelming victory resulting in unconditional surrender, then the rebuilding process started.
In addition, there was no equivalent of the Marshall Plan between the Soviet Union and East Germany, yet there were not wars between them after WWII.