Comment by krainboltgreene
1 year ago
> If I knew the answer to that question I would be a high ranked politician
The solution is simple, avoiding the solution in order to create a western military power ally in the middle east is what high ranked politicians do.
>avoiding the solution
The West isn't the one avoiding the solution. If it were up to us, two state would have been sorted decades ago, as evidenced by the repeated peace summits the US has hosted.
Israel believe they can't integrate the bulk of the Palestinian population, and there to afraid of attack to live next to an independent Palestinian state.
If you continually provide missiles and prevent a ceasefire in the UN (a rather unauthoritative body anyways) I would describe you as "avoiding" the solution of not settling/attacking Palestine.
The "We were afraid of the people, they might attack us, we have to do this" line wasn't believable in the 30's and isn't now.
The Israelis would continue the war with Hamas with no US support and a ceasefire in the UN. The US won't sacrifice it's relationship with Israel to try to force a resolution on an intractable issue that doesn't really concern the US, and it's interesting that they would be expected to.
>The "We were afraid of the people, they might attack us, we have to do this" line wasn't believable in the 30's and isn't now.
Haven't the Israelis have come under attack from Palestinians since that time for moving on to the land in numbers that made the Palestinians uncomfortable.
> The solution is simple
Please explain.
Please don't post in the flamewar style to HN, and especially not to this thread. It's against the site guidelines ( and strongly against the intended spirit that I tried to describe in the comment that's pinned to the top.
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This doesn't track because the USA has bases all around the ME, and supplies Israel's "competition" like KSA and Egypt with arms.
It is much more complicated.
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